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CMAQv5.2.1 Minor release will be made available on March 14, 2018 Resolves several bugs and issues. Adds some minor documentation. Release notes descriptions are available in CCTM/docs/
CMAQv5.2Gamma_14Mar2017 发布: CMAQv5.2Gamma
A number of bug and feature fixes have been introduced such as boundary and initial aerosol condition checking, minor chemical mechanism updates and memory management error solutions.
CMAQv5.2Beta_09Nov2016 发布: CMAQv5.2Beta
CMAQv5.2Beta includes a wealth of updates, particularly for modeling dust and organic particulate matter. There are also important updates for upper atmosphere ozone prediction and chemical mechanism definitions. As we proceed to the final release of CMAQv5.2 (June 2017), we will release further version of the experimental model so that the community can take advantage of solutions to issues as they are solved and incorporated.
Make v5.1 as previously released by CMAS, for an EPA public release to set up a DOI