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- 1月 04, 2024
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
- 1月 02, 2024
由 Henry Weller 创作于
- 12月 28, 2023
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
- 12月 25, 2023
由 Henry Weller 创作于
由 Henry Weller 创作于
The mergePatchPairs functionality in blockMesh also now uses patchIntersection. The new mergePatchPairs and patchIntersection replaces the old, fragile and practically unusable polyTopoChanger::slidingInterface functionality the removal of which has allowed the deletion of a lot of other ancient and otherwise unused clutter including polyTopoChanger, polyMeshModifier, polyTopoChange::setAction and associated addObject/*, modifyObject/* and removeObject/*. This rationalisation paves the way for the completion of the update of zone handling allowing mesh points, faces and cells to exist in multiple zones which is currently not supported with mesh topology change. Application stitchMesh Description Utility to stitch or conform pairs of patches, converting the patch faces either into internal faces or conformal faces or another patch. Usage \b stitchMesh (\<list of patch pairs\>) E.g. to stitch patches \...
- 12月 22, 2023
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
由 Henry Weller 创作于
prghUniformTotalPressureFvPatchScalarField: Added p_rgh variant of the time-varying uniform pressure BC Patch contributed by Stanislau Stasheuski, Aalto University.
- 12月 21, 2023
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
由 Henry Weller 创作于
由 Henry Weller 创作于
meshCheck::checkGeometry,checkTopology: Now cell and face sets are written only if the setWriter is valid
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
Source-point-to-target-triangle projections might be done in order to determine the location outside of the target triangle, as well as the location inside. Forcing the source point inside the target triangle is therefore only appropriate when constructing the intersection geometry.
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
This has required switching the order of dependence of the fvMesh geometry (i.e., Sf, Cf, and C), and the interpolation weights. The weights are now considered dependent on the geometry fields, and the geometry fields must therefore construct without reference to the weights.
- 12月 20, 2023
由 Henry Weller 创作于
Index is a better name to describe a label index than ID which may be an integer, word or other means of identification.
由 Henry Weller 创作于
由 Henry Weller 创作于
Indices is a better name to describe label indices than IDs which may be an integers, words or other means of identification.
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
This calculation more carefully constructs the direction of the area stabilisation so as to ensure that it does not oppose the area being stabilised. This prevents the creation of faces with zero area. Resolves bug report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=4040
由 Henry Weller 创作于
由 Henry Weller 创作于
由 Henry Weller 创作于
solvers::solid::thermophysicalPredictor: Moved thermo correction into the non-orthogonality correction loop Resolves bug-report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=4043
- 12月 19, 2023
由 Henry Weller 创作于
Omega lower limit bounding is now based on a maximum turbulence viscosity nut rather than a minimum omega value which improves stability and robustness of the k-omega models in case of numerical boundedness problems. The maximum nut value is calculated by multiplying the laminar viscosity by nutMaxCoeff which defaults to 1e5 but can be set by the user in the momentumTransport dictionary.
由 Chris Greenshields 创作于
由 Henry Weller 创作于
由 Henry Weller 创作于
Epsilon lower limit bounding is now based on a maximum turbulence viscosity nut rather than a minimum epsilon value which improves stability and robustness of the k-epsilon models in case of numerical boundedness problems. The maximum nut value is calculated by multiplying the laminar viscosity by nutMaxCoeff which defaults to 1e5 but can be set by the user in the momentumTransport dictionary.
由 Chris Greenshields 创作于
The boundary condition applied to pressure at open boundaries and outlets is switched from totalPressure to entrainmentPressure. The latter boundary condition is more robust since it calculates the pressure for inflow using (velocity) fluxes rather than velocity on the patch.
- 12月 16, 2023
由 Henry Weller 创作于
Required now that activeBaffleVelocity and activePressureForceBaffleVelocity have been moved into PDRFoam.
由 Henry Weller 创作于
Index is a better name to describe a label index than ID which may be an integer, word or other means of identification.
由 Henry Weller 创作于
Index is a better name to describe a label index than ID which may be an integer, word or other means of identification.
- 12月 15, 2023
由 Henry Weller 创作于
由 Henry Weller 创作于
Index is a better name to describe a label index than ID which may be an integer, word or other means of identification.
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
This function has been changed to volume average, making it appropriate to use on layered meshes in which the cells have non-uniform geometry within their layers. A 'weightFields' (or 'weightField') control has also been added, so that mass or phase weighted averages can be performed within the layers.
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
Resolves bug report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=4041
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
These conditions are legacy and should not be considered for general use. They require specific, unintuitive mesh structuring (i.e., duplicated boundary faces) that only PDRMesh can now create. If an an interface is needed which opens or closes based on modelling criteria, then this should be implemented as an extension of NCC. That would be more flexible, parallelisable, and would not require modification of the underlying polyheral mesh.
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
This simple model generates a phase change between two phases calculated from the following expression: \dot{m}/V = C \alpha \grad \alpha Where: \dot{m}/V | mass transfer rate per unit volume C | coefficient \alpha | volume fraction of the source phase Example usage: coefficientPhaseChange { type coefficientPhaseChange; phases (liquid vapour); C [kg/m^2/s] 0.1; } This model may be of use in simple situations, but it is primarily designed to serve as a prototype for more complex and physical mechanisms of phase changes.
由 Will Bainbridge 创作于
An enumeration has been added to the arguments of the allocation coefficient function, eta, to allow specification of how to allocate out of bounds of the population balance size-groups. There are two options: - "Clamp" will create an out-of-bounds allocation coefficient of exactly one. This partitions unity across all size-space. - "Extrapolate" will create an out-of-bounds allocation coefficient in proportion to the ratio between the given size and the nearest size-group size. This does not partition unity outside the range of the size-groups. The previous operation is equivalent to "Extrapolate". It is not yet clear which method is preferable and under what circumstances. More testing is required. The enumeration has been created to facilitate this testing.
- 12月 14, 2023
由 Henry Weller 创作于
as it makes no sense to search for a regular expression which may provide multiple results and then arbitrarily return the first of them.
由 Henry Weller 创作于