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  1. 11月 22, 2016
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      massRosinRammler: New Lagrangian size-distribution model · 2d8330ff
      Henry Weller 创作于
          Corrected form of the Rosin-Rammler distribution taking into account the
          varying number of particels per parces for for fixed-mass parcels.  This
          distribution should be used when
              parcelBasisType mass;
          See equation 10 in reference:
              Yoon, S. S., Hewson, J. C., DesJardin, P. E., Glaze, D. J.,
              Black, A. R., & Skaggs, R. R. (2004).
              Numerical modeling and experimental measurements of a high speed
              solid-cone water spray for use in fire suppression applications.
              International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 30(11), 1369-1388.
  2. 12月 10, 2014