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  • v4.6.0
    WPS Version 4.6.0
    This major release of the WRF Preprocessing System includes the following
    notable changes and fixes:
    * Add 2-d maps of urban parameters and anthropogenic heat to the GEOGRID.TBL.ARW
      file in support of the new SLUCM option in WRF (PR #244)
    * Updates of C code to conform with ISO C, preventing compilation errors
      (PR #245)
    * Change resolution of soilgrids fields in GEOGRID.TBL.ARW.noahmp from
      'soilgrids' to 'default' so that no modification to the geog_data_res namelist
      variable is needed in order to process SOILCOMP, SOILCL1F, SOILCL2F, SOILCL3F,
      and SOILCL4F (PR #235)
    * Introduce a CMake build capability through new configure_new and compile_new
      scripts. Note that compiling the WPS with CMake requires that WRF was also
      built with CMake. (PR #230)
    * Add new configuration stanza for the Intel oneAPI compilers. Existing Intel
      stanzas have been renamed to "Intel Classic compilers" to differentiate them
      from the new oneAPI stanza. (PR #250)
    * Add GRIB2 table parameter codes for new ECMWF open data to Vtable.ECMWF
      (PR #222)
    * Update g2print to accommodate CMA GFS fields (PR #253)
    * Update the Vtable README as well as comments in some NCEP Vtables (PR #251)
    Acknowledgements: Special thanks are due to Do Ngoc Khanh (@epn09; Shibaura
    Institute of Technology), Umur Dinç (@bakamotokatas ; Vitus Commodities).
  • v4.5 发布: WRF Pre-processing System Version 4.5
    WPS Version 4.5
    This major release of the WRF Preprocessing System includes the following
    notable changes and fixes:
    * Add entries for CLDMASK, CLDBASEZ, CLDTOPZ, and BRTEMP to the METGRID.TBL
      file in support of MAD-WRF.
    * Add a new Vtable (Vtable.GFS_OZONE) and METGRID.TBL entry to allow for
      processing of GFS total column ozone.
    * Improve the accuracy of the wind rotation angle fields SINALPHA and COSALPHA
      at sub-km grid scales.
    * Update ungrib to fully support 9-character variable names.
    * Introduce a new geogrid table, GEOGRID.TBL.ARW_LCZ, that includes an entry for
      a global 100-m LCZ dataset.
    * Add support for processing DWD ICON model GRIB2 data in ungrib and metgrid.
    Aside from changes to the WPS code, the static fields for use with the GSL GWD
    scheme have also been updated to incorporate corrections to an issue in the
    orographic asymmetry fields (see ufs-community/UFS_UTIL Issue #716).
    Acknowledgements: Special thanks are due to Michael Graf (@grafmi),
    Jordan Schnell (@jordanschnell), Adam Dury (@WQadam),
    Pedro Jimenez Munoz (@pedro-jm), and Cenlin He (@cenlinhe).
  • v4.4 发布: WRF Pre-processing System Version 4.4
    WPS Version 4.3
    This major release of the WRF Preprocessing System includes the following
    notable changes and fixes:
    * A new command-line option to the configure script, --build-grib2-libs, will
      instruct the compile process to build internal copies of the zlib, libpng, and
      JasPer libraries, which will be installed in the WPS/grib2 directory. When
      --build-grib2-libs is provided as an argument to the configure script, the
      environment variables JASPERLIB and JASPERINC are ignored, and the compiled
      ungrib and g2print executables will always use the internally built GRIB2
    * A new bathymetry field (BATHYMETRY) has been added to the GEOGRID.TBL.ARW for
      use in the shallow water drag module in the revised M-O surface layer scheme
      for over-water roughness calculation.
    * A new tile drainage map (TD_FRACTION) has been added to the
      GEOGRID.TBL.ARW.noahmp to support the Noah-MP tile drainage scheme with a 30-
      arc-second CONUS tile drainage map.
    * The METGRID.TBL file has been updated to support the current Thompson AA
      microphysics scheme.
    * Since their processing can be expensive, the interpolation of subgrid
      variables can now be selectively enabled for specific domains (rather than
      processing them for every domain) by setting subgrid_ratio_x and
      subgrid_ratio_y larger than 0 on domains where subgrid variables are to be
    * For subgrid variables, shift errors of about 0.375*dx and 0.375*dy (where dx
      and dy are the atmospheric grid spacing) have been corrected.
    * When processing terrain data for the WRF-Fire subgrid, the terrain gradient
      variables dzdxf and dzdyf are computed using the meteorological grid cell
      spacing from the outermost domain, thus resulting in an underestimation in
      gradient magnitude when max_dom>1 or the subgrid_ratio for the fire mesh is
      greater than 1. These errors have been corrected by accounting for the current
      domain resolution and the subgrid_ratio when computing the terrain gradient
    Special thanks are due to Angel Farguell (San Jose State University),
    Adam Kochanski (San Jose State University), Jan Mandel (University of
    Colorado Denver), Timothy W. Juliano (NCAR), Branko Kosovic (NCAR), and
    Prasanth Valayamkunnath (NCAR).
  • v4.3.1 发布: WRF Pre-processing System Version 4.3.1
    WPS Version 4.3.1
    This minor release of the WPS fixes several small issues in the WPS code and
    should have no impact on the WPS output.
    * Modify several print statements in the g2print utility
    * Add new HRRR variables to variable tables in the g2 library
    * Correct compilation issues with newer GNU Fortran compiler versions (10.1.0
      and later)
  • v4.3 发布: WRF Pre-processing System Version 4.3
    WPS Version 4.3
    This release includes the following notable changes:
    * The default namelist.wps file has been updated to a newer case, matching
      the new default namelist.input file in WRF.
    * The GEOGRID.TBL.ARW files contain 20 new fields used by the new gwd_opt=3
      option in WRF.
    * The GEOGRID.TBL.ARW.noahmp file includes fields for the new dynamic irrigation
      scheme in Noah-MP.
    * A configure option, --nowrf, has been added to allow for configuration of
      the WPS without reference to a compiled WRF model; this is useful, e.g., if
      only the ungrib component of the WPS is needed.
    * The ungrib program has been updated to handle a missing value added to NCEP
      GEFS land surface fields starting in September 2020.
    * The ungrib program now handles data from before the year 1000.
    * The plotfmt.ncl script now supports datasets on a Lambert conformal conic
    Acknowledgements: Special thanks are due to Michael Toy (NOAA/ESRL),
    Ozan Mert Göktürk (University of Bergen), and Prasanth Valayamkunnath (NCAR).
  • v4.2 发布: WRF Pre-processing System Version 4.2
    WPS Version 4.2
    This release includes the following notable changes:
    * Improved support for the Linux/POWER9 platform
    * The addition of an optional IRRIGATION field in geogrid, used by the new WRF
      option sf_surf_irr_scheme = 1, 2, and 3
    * An update of Vtable.RAP.hybrid.ncep to handle newer RAP and HRRR data and to
      include microphysical (QNC) and aerosol (QNWFA, QNIFA) fields
    * A correction to the LANDMASK calculation when using the 'modis_15s_lake' land
      use dataset
    * A modification to ungrib and g2print to permit negative starting latitudes for
      datasets on a Gaussian grid
    * A correction to calc_ecmwf_p to avoid the use of uninitialized data in
      the computation of the GHT field when only a subset of EC levels is available
    Acknowledgements: Special thanks are due to Hugo Hartmann, Linda Maoyi, and
    markelg for identifying issues and proposing fixes included in this release.
  • v4.1 发布: WRF Pre-processing System Version 4.1
    WPS Version 4.1
    This release includes the following notable changes:
    * The addition of support for a MODIS 15-arc-second land use dataset with lakes.
      - This dataset is described in
        Broxton, P. D., Zeng, X., Sulla-Menashe, D., & Troch, P. A. (2014). A global
        land cover climatology using MODIS data. Journal of Applied Meteorology and
        Climatology, 53(6), 1593-1605. DOI: 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-0270.1
        and may be activated by prepending the geog_data_res namelist option with
        'modis_15s_lake+' after downloading the dataset.
    * The addition of initial support for POWER systems running Linux with the XL
    * Adjustments to the RH field from GEFS data to be w.r.t. liquid water, as is
      done for GFS, CDAS, and ECMWF.
    * A change in the default mean sea-level pressure field from smooth PRMSL to
      unsmoothed MSLET for GFS datasets.
    * Corrections to the rotation of horizontal wind vectors that are provided on
      a Cassini/rotated lat-lon projection.
  • v4.0.3 发布: WRF Pre-processing System Version 4.0.3
    WPS Version 4.0.3
    This minor release of the WPS fixes several small issues in the WPS code, and is
    expected to have no impact on model results.
    * The configure script is now capable of detecting a WRF build in ../WRF-4.0.3.
    * Compiler warnings about truncated strings when building the g1print utility
      with the GNU compilers have been addressed.
    * The non-standard "-f90=" and "-cc=" options to MPI compiler wrappers have been
      removed from several configuration stanzas.
    * An inconsequential bug in metgrid that led to the incorrect detection of
      geogrid v4.0.1 output as v4.0 output has been fixed.
  • v4.0.2 发布: WRF Pre-processing System Version 4.0.2
    WPS Version 4.0.2
    This minor release of WPS, Version 4.0.2, updates the system to address two minor
    issues in the ungrib program. These were necessary to allow successful building
    and running on a Cray platform.
    * A Fortran continuation directive in subroutine rrpr was modified.
    * As Ungrib only uses unpacking and decoding functions, references to unused
      packing and encoding routines, whose unnecessary compilation would have
      required mods to enable on a Cray, were removed from the g2 subdirectory
  • v4.0.1 发布: WRF Pre-processing System Version 4.0.1
    WPS Version 4.0.1
    This bug-fix release of the WPS addresses one significant issue in metgrid
    and several other minor clean-up items.
    * The metgrid program now supports the use of input meteorological datasets
      on a rotated latitude-longitude projection that provide a grid-relative
      horizontal wind field. In particular, this allows the WPS to properly use
      NCEP RAP data.
    * The default path of the static, geographical datasets has been updated to
      reflect re-organization of the NWSC /glade filesystem. This change should
      only benefit users of NWSC Cheyenne.
    * The logic in the configure.wps script has been updated to better locate
      new WRF source code that was obtained either by cloning the WRF GitHub
      repository or by downloading a GitHub archive file.
  • v4.0 发布: WRF Pre-processing System Version 4.0
    WRF Pre-processing System Version 4.0
    This release includes the following notable changes:
    * Introduction of a 'lowres' option for geog_data_res to select coarse resolution
      (typically, 5-arc-minutes) sources for all mandatory static fields. This is
      useful in educational contexts or when the size of the geographical datasets
      must be minimized, e.g., when teaching with WRF/WPS in a Docker container or
      in the cloud.
    * New GEOGRID.TBL entry for a pre-computed urban fraction field (FRC_URB2D) based
      on 30-meter NLCD 2011 data.
    * A change in the default source of data for the MAXSNOALB and ALBEDO12M fields.
      The new defaults are MODIS-based and higher resolution.
    * Two fixes for numerical inaccuracies in the polar stereographic projection.
    * A new namelist option for ungrib, pmin, to specify the minimum pressure to
      extract from isobaric datasets.
    * A combined Vtable for all CFSR/CFSv2 data, both pressure-level and surface
      fields (Vtable.CFSR).
    * Added support for NCAR RDA's ECMWF "ds113.1" dataset.
    * Added support for FV3GFS GRIB data.
    * Generally, in the v4.0 release of the WPS, there is a move towards a model
      for handling geographical static fields in which all static fields that are
      not required by the default WRF namelist are optional from the viewpoint of
      - Datasets that were previously mandatory but that are now optional:
        VAR_SSO and LAKE_DEPTH.
    Note: There are now three types of downloads for the static, geographical data:
    (1) Download the "full-resolution" sources for all default, mandatory fields.
        Use this download for all simulations where accuracy is important.
    (2) Download the "low-resolution" sources for all mandatory fields.
        Use this download for testing and educational purposes.
    (3) Downloads for individual, optional geographical fields.
        Obtain these datasets as needed by different model options.
  • v3.9.1 发布: WRF Pre-processing System Version 3.9.1
    WRF Pre-processing System Version 3.9.1
  • v3.9.0.1 发布: WRF Pre-processing System Version
    WRF Pre-processing System Version
  • v3.9 发布: WRF Pre-processing System Version 3.9
    WRF Pre-processing System Version 3.9
  • RELEASE-3-8-1
    f94b2378 · RELEASE-3-8-1 ·
  • HWRF_r935_H216O-quasitag
  • RELEASE-3-8
    2bd17c88 · Tagging v3.8 release ·
  • HWRF_r929
  • HWRF_r916_H16C
  • HWRF-20151113-h216-prep-control