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  • James Bonfield's avatar
    Add a new indel caller. · 50bc9030
    James Bonfield 创作于
    This is a combination of PR #1679 from 2022 coupled with more recent
    changes to replace BAQ with edlib for evaluating the alignment of
    reads against candidate alleles.  Due to the complexity of rebasing
    many commits with many conflicts, these have been squashed together
    for simplicity.  Please consult the original commit log in the PR for
    more detailed history.
    PR 1679 is a major restructuring of the indel caller that produces
    proper consensus sequences.  TODO: paste collected commit messages
    The newer edlib changes are designed to dramtically increase the speed
    of indel calling on long read data by use of a modern algorithm.  Note
    edlib's alignments are very crude, with just +1 for all differences
    including substitutions and each indel base.  However if we've
    computed our candidate allele consensus sequences correctly then the
    aligning against the real allele should be a minimal score regardless
    of scoring regime, so the cost of an HMM or even affine weights do not
    help much.
    The lack of quality values is compensated for by detection of minimum
    quality within STRs.
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