Release v2.7.6 历史发布
TreeAnnotator allows packages to define new methods for creating summary trees CompEvol/BeastFX#71 BEAST o parameters restored correctly after dimension change CompEvol/beast2#1130 o robustify AdaptableOperatorSampler CompEvol/beast2#1129 o fix element wise update in BactrianUpDownOperator CompEvol/beast2#1126 o robustify Input when setting String values CompEvol/beast2#1125 o allow trees to be exported correctly up to 999999 taxa o enable close button in top bar of BeastMain dialog CompEvol/BeastFX#26 BEAUti o TipDatesRandomWalker picks up correct tree o make sure there are no numbers in tree taxon label block CompEvol/beast2#1112 o improved error messages CompEvol/beast2#1121 o indicate current theme in menu CompEvol/BeastFX#67 PackageManager resizes properly CompEvol/BeastFX#73 Applauncher improved layout CompEvol/BeastFX#77 Logcombiner fix default type when selecting files CompEvol/BeastFX#74
BEAST v2.7.5 release 历史发布
o bounded transforms added
o higher default heap sizes for Windows
o fixed command line argument parsing problem
o enable quiting BEAST on OS X with cmd-Q BeastFX
o make linking by combobox changes work in partition panel of BEAUti
o make drag/drop work in FileListInputEditor
o add warning when adding hyperpriors on parametric distribution parameters
o fix MRCA prior editor using the wrong tree (useful for multi-species coalescent analyses)
o make it possible for the MCMC analysis to be replaced by others
o added command line options to import nucleotide and AA fasta files.
o improve tool tips for PriorInputEditor
o fix prior panel parametric distribution display
o make BEAUti show coalescent based tree prior inputs
o show input dialog in center of BEAUti when drag/dropping files in partitions panel
o fasta importer allows choosing datatype other than nucleotide and aminoacid
o BEAUti package manager buttons and taxon set editor show correctly with bootstrap theme
o x-axis of graph for parametric distributions in prior panel scales better
o better error messages
o selected theme indicated in view menu
Logcombiner GUI selects appropriate file types in file selector by default
BEAST v2.7.4 历史发布
o add commmand line option for setting package user directory
o more robust -version_file handling
o make beast script find BEAGLE easier on arm cpu
o allow BEAGLE usage for irreversible models, and make BEAGLE rootFrequencies input aware
o more robust AVMN operator, uncertain alignment
o fix bug that prevented BEAUti from saving files if directory was removed
o make sure tip date operator is added when tips-only for MRCA prior is set
o add functionality for auto-configuring tip date
o allow 'Cancel' to stop BEAUti from closing
o make short-cut keys on OS-X use command key instead of control
Package manager
o selects CBAN clone if the default is not available
o add -dir option to switch user package directory
BEAST v2.7.3 release 历史发布
Allow all packages to be installed, not just a small subset
Add support for various packages
Add `-packagedir` and `-version_file` CLI options to BEAST, BEAUti
Extend XML variable substitution to text nodes
BEAUti: fix bugs in templates
BEAUti more robust when reloading XML into BEAUti
BEAST.base 2.7.2 历史发布
package release for BEAST.base 2.7.2. This can be installed through the beast2 package manager / beauti.
BEAST v2.7.1 release 历史发布
Fix assorted launch issues on Windows, Mac and Linux
o GUI version outputs log files in same directory as XML file
o added option to specify version.xml files explicitly.
o Fix some BEAUti tooltip glitches, and BEAUti icon in Windows
o Remove AquaFX theme.
o Fix splash screen for BEAUti
o Add theming to Alert
o More responsive refresh + do not loose list view selection
Logcombiner converted to JavaFX
Applauncher: deal with superfluous icon not found messages
DocMaker functional again
EBSPanalyser converted to JavaFX
Clean up BEAST code and some BEAUti code
DensiTree update to v3.0.2, fixing a display bug on Apple Silicon
Update migration script for converting v2.6 packages to v2.7
BEAST v2.7.0 历史发布
Main new features:
BEAUti has had a facelift, allows dark mode
BEAUti templates reorganised for better performance
"Help me choose" buttons added to BEAUti for direct targeted help
Faster MCMC convergence due to smarter operators
DensiTree v3.0.0 included, which allows pairwise comparison of tree sets
Uses latest version of libraries: java 17, javafx, commons math, etc.
Code reorganised, BEAST split into two packages: BEAST.base and
Module like treatment of BEAST packages to prevent package library clashes
BEAST v2.6.7 release 历史发布
Fix auto-set clock rate in BEAUti when independent trees are involved
Loading two dimensional data into trait dialog robustified
Make NexusParser more robust and allow Fasta imports to select from all data types
Fix TreeAnnotator -heights
processing issue
Make Prior.sample()
obey parameter bounds
Fix TipDateRandomWalker to ensure heights are always >= 0
Remove superfluous new lines in XML produced by BEAUti
SimulatedAlignment correctly links indices of tree to alignment
Option 'ascii' added to Logger to allow it to convert output to ascii or not
Add upper limit to delta exchange optimization
Made tree input to RatesStatistic required to ensure appropriate behaviour
BEAST v2.6.6 release 历史发布
Fix so that when not using ambiguities, the nucleotide 'U' base pair is correctly interpreted
Fix tree annotator for lower bound on common ancestor heights
Make the -prefix option work when not using a directory
Allow '=' signs in options passsed with -D
Add filter input to SwapOperator
Fix so DocMaker works again
Update for R script to create EBSP plots
Limit size of Trie to prevent memory leaks for some models
More robust Nexus parser
Improved error messages
BEAST v2.6.5 release 历史发布
Patch release that fixes output bug introduced in the GUI version of LogCombiner in v2.6.4.
To install, first install v2.6.4, then upgrade using the package manager, or by starting BEAUti, which automatically checks for updates.