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提交 5defa9e2 编辑于 作者: Brian P. Walenz's avatar Brian P. Walenz

Save the splitHaplotype log and use it to decide if the unassigned reads...

Save the splitHaplotype log and use it to decide if the unassigned reads should assembled, or even if the assemblies should be started at all.
上级 622b673d
......@@ -654,6 +654,42 @@ if (haplotypeReadsExist($asm, @haplotypes) eq "yes") {
$displLen = ($displLen < $hapLen) ? $hapLen : $displLen;
# Decide if we should use or ignore the unassigned reads, and if we should
# even bother assembling.
my %hapReads;
my %hapBases;
my $totReads = 0;
my $totBases = 0;
open(F, "< haplotype/haplotype.log") or caExit("can't open 'haplotype/haplotype.log' for reading: $!", undef);
while (<F>) {
if (m/(\d+)\s+reads\s+(\d+)\s+bases\s+written\s+to\s+haplotype\s+file\s+.*haplotype-(\w+).fasta.gz/) {
$hapReads{$3} = $1; $totReads += $1;
$hapBases{$3} = $2; $totBases += $2;
print STDERR "--\n";
foreach my $haplotype (@haplotypes) {
printf STDERR "-- Found %8d reads and %12d bases for haplotype $haplotype.\n", $hapReads{$haplotype}, $hapBases{$haplotype};
printf STDERR "-- Found %8d reads and %12d bases assigned to no haplotype.\n", $hapReads{"unknown"}, $hapBases{"unknown"};
# Ignore the unknown reads if there aren't that many.
my $withUnknown = ($hapBases{"unknown"} / $totBases < 0.02) ? 0 : 1;
if ($withUnknown == 0) {
print STDERR "--\n";
print STDERR "-- Too few bases in unassigned reads to care; don't use them in assemblies.\n";
# For each haplotype, emit a script to run the assembly.
print STDERR "--\n";
......@@ -661,7 +697,7 @@ if (haplotypeReadsExist($asm, @haplotypes) eq "yes") {
foreach my $haplotype (@haplotypes) {
my $hs = substr("$haplotype" . " " x $displLen, 0, $displLen);
print STDERR "-- Found haplotyped reads for $hs - write assembly command to './$asm-haplotype$'.\n";
print STDERR "-- Assemble haplotype $hs with command './$asm-haplotype$'.\n";
open(F, "> ./$asm-haplotype$");
print F "#!/bin/sh\n";
......@@ -676,6 +712,7 @@ if (haplotypeReadsExist($asm, @haplotypes) eq "yes") {
print F "mkdir -p haplotype\n";
print F "cd haplotype\n";
print F fetchFileShellCode("haplotype", "haplotype-$haplotype.fasta.gz", "");
print F fetchFileShellCode("haplotype", "haplotype-unnown.fasta.gz", "") if ($withUnknown);
print F "cd ..\n";
......@@ -685,6 +722,7 @@ if (haplotypeReadsExist($asm, @haplotypes) eq "yes") {
print F " -d $asm-haplotype$haplotype \\\n";
print F " $_ \\\n" foreach (@options);
print F " $techtype ./haplotype/haplotype-$haplotype.fasta.gz \\\n";
print F " $techtype ./haplotype/haplotype-unknown.fasta.gz \\\n" if ($withUnknown);
print F "> ./$asm-haplotype$haplotype.out 2>&1\n";
print F "\n";
print F "exit 0\n";
......@@ -694,10 +732,16 @@ if (haplotypeReadsExist($asm, @haplotypes) eq "yes") {
# Then run the scripts.
# Fail if too many unassigned reads.
print STDERR "--\n";
if ($hapBases{"unknown"} / $totBases > 0.50) {
caExit("too many unassigned reads", undef);
# Then run the scripts.
foreach my $haplotype (@haplotypes) {
if (getGlobal("useGrid") ne "1") {
print STDERR "-- Starting haplotype assembly $haplotype with script '$rootdir/$asm-haplotype$'.\n";
......@@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ sub haplotypeReadsConfigure ($@) {
print F "\n";
print F "# If the unknown haplotype assignment exists, we're done.\n";
print F "\n";
print F "if [ -e ./haplotype-unknown.fasta.gz ] ; then\n";
print F "if [ -e ./haplotype.log ] ; then\n";
print F " echo Read to haplotype assignment already exists.\n";
print F " exit 0\n";
print F "fi\n";
......@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ sub haplotypeReadsConfigure ($@) {
print F "\n";
print F "# If the unknown haplotype assignment exists in the object store, we're also done.\n";
print F "\n";
print F fileExistsShellCode("exist1", "$path", "haplotype-unknown.fasta.gz");
print F fileExistsShellCode("exist1", "$path", "haplotype.log");
print F "if [ \$exist1 = true ] ; then\n";
print F " echo Read to haplotype assignment exists in the object store.\n";
print F " exit 0\n";
......@@ -1041,9 +1041,10 @@ sub haplotypeReadsConfigure ($@) {
print F " -threads $thr \\\n";
print F " -R $_ \\\n" foreach (@inputs);
print F " -H ./0-kmers/haplotype-$_.meryl ./haplotype-$_.fasta.gz \\\n" foreach (@$haplotypes);
print F " -A ./haplotype-unknown.fasta.WORKING.gz \\\n";
print F " -A ./haplotype-unknown.fasta.gz \\\n";
print F "> haplotype.log.WORKING \\\n";
print F "&& \\\n";
print F "mv -f ./haplotype-unknown.fasta.WORKING.gz ./haplotype-unknown.fasta.gz \\\n";
print F "mv -f ./haplotype.log.WORKING ./haplotype.log \\\n";
if (defined(getGlobal("objectStore"))) {
print F "\n";
......@@ -1051,6 +1052,7 @@ sub haplotypeReadsConfigure ($@) {
print F "\n";
print F stashFileShellCode($path, "haplotype-$_.fasta.gz", "") foreach (@$haplotypes);
print F stashFileShellCode($path, "haplotype-unknown.fasta.gz", "");
print F stashFileShellCode($path, "haplotype.log", "");
print F "\n";
......@@ -1102,7 +1104,7 @@ sub haplotypeReadsCheck ($@) {
my $failureMessage = "";
foreach my $job (@jobs) {
if (fileExists("$path/haplotype-unknown.fasta.gz")) {
if (fileExists("$path/haplotype.log")) {
push @successJobs, $currentJobID;
} else {
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