21.0.0 (December 14, 2021) ========================== A new series is finally here! Some highlights of this version's new features include a substantial rework of fMRIPrep's susceptibility distortion correction (including the addition of FSL's `topup` as the new default PEPOLAR correction technique), improved flexibility for multiecho scans, and dependency version upgrades within the Docker environment. .. note:: To follow BIDS Derivatives more closely, *fMRIPrep*'s default output layout has changed. To enable the legacy layout, use the `--output-layout legacy` flag. For more information, please see https://fmriprep.org/en/latest/outputs.html#layout .. caution:: As with all minor version increments, working directories from previous versions **should not be reused**. Thank you for using *fMRIPrep*! If you encounter any issues with this release, please let us know by posting an issue on our GitHub page! A full list of changes can be found below. * DOC: Remove mention to ``epidewarp.fsl`` from ``NOTICE`` (#2629) * DOC: Update description of output layout, add discussion of legacy mode (#2646) * DOC: ME | Add missing output to documentation, improve boilerplate (#2608) * DOC: Add --index-metadata to `pybids layout` faq (#2546) * DOC: Add warning about slice timing correction in output documentation. (#2502) * DOC: Update sample report (#2519) * DOC: Refactor README and citing information (#2474) * DOC: Point documentation at *SDCFlows* and remove SDC section (#2470)\ * DOC: Transfer duplicated documentation to www.nipreps.org (#2469) * DOC: Better explanation on how spike regressors are generated (#2465) * DOC: Clarify that ``res-2`` entity does not mean 2mm (#2466) * DOC: adds --mem metavar (#2378) * DOC: skull stripping is forced by default (#2345) * DOCKER: Shrink Docker image size (#2551) * DOCKER: Strip ABI tag from libQt5Core.so.5 to prevent Singularity failures (#2535) * ENH: Make bids the default output layout option (#2555) * ENH: Mask multi-echo data with reference mask instead of echo-specific masks (#2349) * ENH: Replace initial FLIRT with mri_coreg, use -basescale 1 for FLIRT-BBR (#2625) * ENH: Add flag for STC reference time and set in all cases (#2520) * ENH: Use ``BIDSLayoutIndexer`` and do not index unnecessary modalities (#2494) * ENH: Allow users to download templateflow templates to directory (#2482) * ENH: Detect 3D & too-short BOLD series, warn and skip run's workflow building (#2461) * ENH: Modernize Dockerfile (#2409) (#2270) * ENH: Leverage SDCFlows 2.x API (#2392) * ENH: Tedana-friendly ME derivatives (#2575) * ENH: Better integration of *SDCFlows*' unwarping (#2576) * ENH: Refactor workflow to adopt *SDCFlows*' new correction workflow (#2547) * FIX: Threshold boldref resampled values to be non-negative (#2630) * FIX: Restore SyN-SDC (#2530) * FIX: Confusing I/O field ``bold_mask`` in bold-to-bold resampling workflow (#2611) * FIX: ME | Revise SDC compute graph (#2610) * FIX: Propagate the SDC warp to resampling node also with ME (#2609) * FIX: Optimize build job on CircleCI (#2605) * FIX: Minor multiecho issues (#2574) * FIX: Missing numpy import (#2533) * FIX: Avoid eager imports from *NiWorkflows* causing API breaks (#2495) * FIX: Split aCompCor into aCompCor, cCompCor, wCompCor (#2523) * FIX: Avoid unnecessary connections based on branching logic (#2508) * FIX: Permit missing TR to show PyBIDS error at workflow construction time (#2513) * FIX: Simplify STC logic for too short BOLD series (#2489) * FIX: Catch FreeSurfer error related to FIPS being enabled (#2490) * FIX: ``DerivativesDataSink`` nondeterministic checksums fixed with ``niworkflows=~1.3.4`` (#2458) * FIX: Address dependency incompatibilities by pinning specific packages (#2463) * FIX: Unprotected import of ``sentry_sdk``, which is not a dependency (#2460) * FIX: Clarify phase encoding direction, rather than axis (#2302) * MAINT: Conform fast-track outputs to BIDS ordering (#2663) * MAINT: Reduce redundant processing of ds005 (#2649) * MAINT: Finalize the work we started with the refactor of the Docker image (#2601) * MAINT: Run full workflows on tags (#2593) * MAINT: Stage Python environment of Docker image from nipreps/miniconda (#2581) * MAINT: Stop NeuroDebian dependency in Dockerfile (#2578) * MAINT: Run pytest through GitHub actions (#2529) * MAINT: Relicense +20.3.x - BSD-3-Clause -> Apache License 2.0 (#2325) * MAINT: Add missing OASIS30 WM/BS probsegs (#2471) * MAINT: Update BIDS validator to 1.8.0 (#2443) * MAINT: Address the problems of a sloppy merge (#2468) * MAINT: Containers - remove ``/root/.npm`` (#2464) * MAINT: Remove traces of Xenial base (#2459) * MAINT: Revise CircleCI's cache tags to avoid mixups between builds (#2457) * MAINT: Back port CircleCI configuration from dev branch (#2456) * MAINT: Increase minimum tedana version (#2366) * MAINT: Docker hub has disabled password authentication (#2448) * MAINT: Add Lea Waller to ``contributors.json`` (#2304) * MAINT: Move away from nearly deprecated images (#2295) * MAINT: Migrate from poldracklab to nipreps orgs (#2290) * MAINT: Ease CI packaging tests (#2472) * RF/FIX: Iterate over echo indices, not filenames, simplifying iteration logic (#2651)