22.0.0 (To be determined) New feature release in the 22.0.x series. This release candidate includes missing FreeSurfer binaries that would result in `recon-all` sometimes failing. This release has been tested to work with Python 3.9 and FreeSurfer 7.2, which are now bundled in the Docker image. This release also features improvements to T2\* and carpetplot reporting. * FIX: Re-add fsr-checkxopts to Docker image * FIX: Update wrapper python path (#2783) * FIX: Preserve ``collect_data`` behavior by using named args (#2754) * FIX: Update *fMRIPrep* version in bibliography at run time (#2738) * FIX: Plot carpetplot with CIFTI-specific colorbar (#2737) * FIX: Two minor typos in report spec (#2708) * ENH: Clip T2\* values at 100ms to keep consistent histogram axes (#2781) * ENH: Plot histogram of T2\* values in gray-matter mask (#2778) * ENH: Save T2starmap files in all requested output spaces, if calculated (#2776) * ENH: Compare T2\* map to BOLD reference (#2751) * ENH: Add edge-regressors to confounds & crown to carpetplot (#2621) * ENH: Add major/minor versions to base workflow name (#2716) * DOC: Fix JSON typo in config in FAQ (#2771) * DOC: Clarify calculation of confounding signals (#2724) * MNT: Build on Python 3.9 environment (#2782) * MNT: Seed ignore-revs file and script to tag new hashes with log entries (#2748) * MNT: Require PyBIDS 0.15+ to allow fMRIPrep to preserve zero-padding in run entity (#2745) * MNT: Upload artifacts after each step of Circle's workflow (#2736) * MNT: Normalize code style of ``workflows.confounds`` (#2729) * MNT: Ask for fmriprep-docker RUNNING line (#2670) * DOCKER: Bundle FreeSurfer 7 (#2779) * CI: Touch up CircleCI configuration (#2764) * CI: Update package builds to use python -m build (#2746)