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1.2.6 (January 17, 2019) This is a bug fix release in the 1.2 series. Probably the most noticeable improvement is the restoration of auto-generated content in the documentation. Additionally, FreeSurfer ``aparc``/``aseg`` segmentations are now sampled to all output spaces. For any users importing fMRIPrep interfaces, many of these have been moved to the niworkflows package. With thanks to Nir Jacoby and Hrvoje Stojic for contributions. * [FIX] Use keyword arguments for Sentry breadcrumb reporting (#1441) @chrisfilo * [FIX] Verify proc file exists before reading (#1454) @effigies * [ENH] Only report participants with errors (#1437) @effigies * [ENH] Resample aparc/aseg into specified output spaces (#1401) @nirjacoby * [ENH] Copy BibTeX file to log directory for LaTeX users (#1446) @hstojic * [RF] Use niworkflows upstreamed interfaces and utilities (#1438) @oesteban * [DOC] Fix documentation build (#1451) @oesteban * [DOC] Fix ReadTheDocs builds (#1459) @effigies * [MAINT/DOC] Clean-up ``__about__``, update with Nat Meth (#1445) @oesteban * [MAINT] Make sure Python 3.7.1 is installed (#1452) @oesteban * [MAINT] Dev status to beta, bump copyright year (#1468) @effigies
1.2.2 (November 9, 2018) Several bug fixes. With thanks to Franz Liem, Nir Jacoby and Markus Handal Sneve for contributions. * [FIX] Do not show --debug deprecation warning unless used (#1361) @effigies * [FIX] Select consistent parcellation for producing aparcaseg derivatives (#1369) @nirjacoby * [FIX] Count non-steady-state volumes even if sbref is passed (#1373) @effigies * [ENH] Respect SliceEncodingDirection metadata (#1350) @fliem * [ENH] Set maximum MELODIC components to 200 by default (#1366) @markushs * [TEST] Verify LegacyMultiProc functionality (#1368) @effigies
1.2.092786d14 · REL: 1.2.0 ·
1.1.2b0abb136 · REL: 1.1.2 ·
1.1.145680c10 · REL: 1.1.1 ·