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  • Marcel Schilling's avatar
    Add license (GPL v3) · 2cadf437
    Marcel Schilling 创作于
    * released under GLP v3 with permission by
      1. Marc Friedländer,
      2. Sebastian Mackowiak, and
      3. Nikolaus Rajewsky
    * copyright based on git log & feedback by Sebastian Mackowiak:
      1. all files in initial version (2011): copyright 2008 - 2011
      2. all changes until 2012 (miRDeep2 publication): credited to
        a. Marc Friedländer, and/or
        b. Sebastian Mackowiak
      3. all changes after 2012: credited to Sebastian Mackowiak
该项目在 GNU General Public License v3.0 only下获得许可。 进一步了解