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!! Copyright (C) 2010 X. Andrade
!! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
!! any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
!! Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
!! 02110-1301, USA.
  use clAmdFft
  use messages_m
  use parser_m
    opencl_init,                  &
    opencl_end,                   &
    opencl_create_buffer,         &
    opencl_write_buffer,          &
    opencl_read_buffer,           &
    opencl_release_buffer,        &
    opencl_finish,                &
    opencl_set_kernel_arg,        &
    opencl_max_workgroup_size,    &
    opencl_kernel_workgroup_size, &
    opencl_kernel_run,            &
    opencl_build_program,         &
    opencl_release_program,       &
    clblas_print_error,           &
    opencl_set_buffer_to_zero,    &
    type(cl_platform_id)   :: platform_id
    type(cl_context)       :: context
    type(cl_command_queue) :: command_queue
    type(cl_device_id)     :: device
    integer                :: max_workgroup_size
    integer                :: local_memory_size
    logical                :: enabled
  type opencl_mem_t
    type(cl_mem)           :: mem
  end type opencl_mem_t

  type(opencl_t), public :: opencl
  type(cl_kernel), public :: kernel_vpsi
  type(cl_kernel), public :: kernel_vpsi_spinors
  type(cl_kernel), public :: kernel_daxpy
  type(cl_kernel), public :: kernel_zaxpy
  type(cl_kernel), public :: kernel_copy
  type(cl_kernel), public :: dpack
  type(cl_kernel), public :: zpack
  type(cl_kernel), public :: dunpack
  type(cl_kernel), public :: zunpack
  type(cl_kernel), public :: kernel_subarray_gather
  type(cl_kernel), public :: kernel_density_real
  type(cl_kernel), public :: kernel_density_complex
  type(cl_kernel), public :: kernel_phase
  type(cl_kernel), public :: dkernel_dot_matrix
  type(cl_kernel), public :: zkernel_dot_matrix
  type(cl_kernel), public :: zkernel_dot_matrix_spinors
  type(cl_kernel), public :: dkernel_dot_vector
  type(cl_kernel), public :: zkernel_dot_vector
  type(cl_kernel), public :: kernel_nrm2_vector
  type(cl_kernel), public :: dzmul
  type(cl_kernel), public :: zzmul
  ! kernels used locally
  type(cl_kernel)         :: set_zero

  interface opencl_create_buffer
    module procedure opencl_create_buffer_4
  end interface opencl_create_buffer
  interface opencl_write_buffer
    module procedure iopencl_write_buffer_1, dopencl_write_buffer_1, zopencl_write_buffer_1
    module procedure iopencl_write_buffer_2, dopencl_write_buffer_2, zopencl_write_buffer_2
    module procedure iopencl_write_buffer_3, dopencl_write_buffer_3, zopencl_write_buffer_3
    module procedure sopencl_write_buffer_1, copencl_write_buffer_1
    module procedure sopencl_write_buffer_2, copencl_write_buffer_2
    module procedure sopencl_write_buffer_3, copencl_write_buffer_3
  end interface opencl_write_buffer
  interface opencl_read_buffer
    module procedure iopencl_read_buffer_1, dopencl_read_buffer_1, zopencl_read_buffer_1
    module procedure iopencl_read_buffer_2, dopencl_read_buffer_2, zopencl_read_buffer_2
    module procedure iopencl_read_buffer_3, dopencl_read_buffer_3, zopencl_read_buffer_3
    module procedure sopencl_read_buffer_1, copencl_read_buffer_1
    module procedure sopencl_read_buffer_2, copencl_read_buffer_2
    module procedure sopencl_read_buffer_3, copencl_read_buffer_3
  end interface opencl_read_buffer
  interface opencl_set_kernel_arg
    module procedure                 &
      opencl_set_kernel_arg_buffer,  &
      iopencl_set_kernel_arg_data,   &
      dopencl_set_kernel_arg_data,   &
      zopencl_set_kernel_arg_data,   &
  end interface opencl_set_kernel_arg
  type(profile_t), save :: prof_read, prof_write
  integer, parameter  ::      &
    OPENCL_GPU         = -1,  &
    OPENCL_CPU         = -2,  &
    OPENCL_DEFAULT     = -4

  integer, parameter  ::      &
    CL_PLAT_INVALID   = -1,   &
    CL_PLAT_AMD       = -2,   &
    CL_PLAT_NVIDIA    = -3,   &
    CL_PLAT_ATI       = -4,   &
    CL_PLAT_INTEL     = -5

  ! a "convenience" public variable
  integer, public :: cl_status
  integer, parameter :: OPENCL_MAX_FILE_LENGTH = 10000

  integer :: buffer_alloc_count
  integer(8) :: allocated_mem
  pure logical function opencl_is_enabled() result(enabled)
  ! ------------------------------------------
  subroutine opencl_init(base_grp)
    type(mpi_grp_t),  intent(inout) :: base_grp

    logical  :: disable, default, run_benchmark
    integer  :: device_type
    integer  :: idevice, iplatform, ndevices, idev, cl_status, ret_devices, nplatforms, iplat
    character(len=256) :: device_name
    type(cl_program) :: prog
    type(cl_platform_id), allocatable :: allplatforms(:)
    type(cl_device_id), allocatable :: alldevices(:)
    type(profile_t), save :: prof_init
    !%Variable DisableOpenCL
    !%Type logical
    !%Default yes
    !%Section Execution::OpenCL
    !% If Octopus was compiled with OpenCL support, it will try to
    !% initialize and use an OpenCL device. By setting this variable
    !% to <tt>yes</tt> you tell Octopus not to use OpenCL.
    call parse_variable('DisableOpenCL', default, disable)
    if(opencl%enabled) then
      message(1) = 'Octopus was compiled without OpenCL support.'
      call messages_fatal(1)
    end if
    if(.not. opencl_is_enabled()) then
    end if

    !%Variable OpenCLPlatform
    !%Type integer
    !%Default 0
    !%Section Execution::OpenCL
    !% This variable selects the OpenCL platform that Octopus will
    !% use. You can give an explicit platform number or use one of
    !% the options that select a particular vendor
    !% implementation. Platform 0 is used by default.
    !%Option amd -2
    !% Use the AMD OpenCL platform.
    !%Option nvidia -3
    !% Use the Nvidia OpenCL platform.
    !%Option ati -4
    !% Use the ATI (old AMD) OpenCL platform.
    !%Option intel -5
    !% Use the Intel OpenCL platform.
    call parse_variable('OpenCLPlatform', 0, iplatform)
    !%Section Execution::OpenCL
    !% This variable selects the OpenCL device that Octopus will
    !% use. You can specify one of the options below or a numerical
    !% id to select a specific device.
    !%Option gpu -1
    !% If available, Octopus will use a GPU for OpenCL.
    !%Option cpu -2
    !% If available, Octopus will use a GPU for OpenCL.
    !%Option accelerator -3
    !% If available, Octopus will use an accelerator for OpenCL.
    !%Option cl_default -4
    !% Octopus will use the default device specified by the OpenCL
    !% implementation.
    call parse_variable('OpenCLDevice', OPENCL_GPU, idevice)

    if(idevice < OPENCL_DEFAULT) then
      message(1) = 'Invalid OpenCLDevice.'
      call messages_fatal(1)
    end if
    call messages_print_stress(stdout, "OpenCL")
    call profiling_in(prof_init, 'CL_INIT')
    call clGetPlatformIDs(nplatforms, cl_status)
    if(cl_status /= CL_SUCCESS) call opencl_print_error(cl_status, "GetPlatformIDs")
    call clGetPlatformIDs(allplatforms, iplat, cl_status)
    if(cl_status /= CL_SUCCESS) call opencl_print_error(cl_status, "GetPlatformIDs")
    call messages_write('Info: Available CL platforms: ')
    call messages_write(nplatforms)
    call messages_info()
      call clGetPlatformInfo(allplatforms(iplat), CL_PLATFORM_NAME, device_name, cl_status)
      if(iplatform < 0) then
        if(iplatform == get_platform_id(device_name)) iplatform = iplat - 1
      if(iplatform == iplat - 1) then
        call messages_write('    * Platform ')
        call messages_write('      Platform ')
      end if
      call messages_write(iplat - 1)
      call messages_write(' : '//device_name)
      call clGetPlatformInfo(allplatforms(iplat), CL_PLATFORM_VERSION, device_name, cl_status)
      call messages_write(' ('//trim(device_name)//')')
      call messages_info()
    end do
    if(iplatform >= nplatforms .or. iplatform < 0) then
      call messages_write('Requested CL platform does not exist')
      if(iplatform > 0) then 
        call messages_write('(platform = ')
        call messages_write(iplatform)
        call messages_write(').')
      end if
      call messages_fatal()
    end if
    opencl%platform_id = allplatforms(iplatform + 1)
    call clGetDeviceIDs(opencl%platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, ndevices, cl_status)
    call messages_write('Info: Available CL devices: ')
    call messages_write(ndevices)
    call messages_info()
    call clGetDeviceIDs(opencl%platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, alldevices, ret_devices, cl_status)
    do idev = 1, ndevices
      call messages_write('      Device ')
      call messages_write(idev - 1)
      call clGetDeviceInfo(alldevices(idev), CL_DEVICE_NAME, device_name, cl_status)
      call messages_write(' : '//device_name)
      call messages_info()
    end do

    select case(idevice)
      device_type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU
      device_type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU
      device_type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR
      device_type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT
    case default
      device_type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL
    end select

    ! now get a list of the selected type
    call clGetDeviceIDs(opencl%platform_id, device_type, alldevices, ret_devices, cl_status)

    if(ret_devices < 1) then
      ! we didnt find a device of the selected type, we ask for the default device
      call clGetDeviceIDs(opencl%platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT, alldevices, ret_devices, cl_status)

      if(ret_devices < 1) then
        ! if this does not work, we ask for all devices
        call clGetDeviceIDs(opencl%platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, alldevices, ret_devices, cl_status)
      if(ret_devices < 1) then
        call messages_write('Cannot find an OpenCL device')
    end if

    ! the number of devices can be smaller
    ndevices = ret_devices
    if(idevice < 0) then
      if(base_grp%size > 1) then
        ! with MPI we have to select the device so multiple GPUs in one
        ! node are correctly distributed
        call select_device(idevice)
        idevice = 0
      end if
    end if

    if(idevice >= ndevices) then
      call messages_write('Requested CL device does not exist (device = ')
      call messages_write(idevice)
      call messages_write(', platform = ')
      call messages_write(iplatform)
      call messages_write(').')
      call messages_fatal()
    end if

    opencl%device = alldevices(idevice + 1)

    if(mpi_grp_is_root(base_grp)) call device_info()

    ! create the context
    opencl%context = clCreateContext(opencl%platform_id, opencl%device, cl_status)
    if(cl_status /= CL_SUCCESS) call opencl_print_error(cl_status, "CreateContext")


    opencl%command_queue = clCreateCommandQueue(opencl%context, opencl%device, CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, cl_status)
    if(cl_status /= CL_SUCCESS) call opencl_print_error(cl_status, "CreateCommandQueue")

    call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, opencl%max_workgroup_size, cl_status)
    call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, opencl%local_memory_size, cl_status)

    call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_TYPE, device_type, cl_status)

    select case(device_type)
      shared_mem = .true.
      shared_mem = .false.
    case default
      shared_mem = .false.
    end select

    ! now initialize the kernels
    call opencl_build_program(prog, trim(conf%share)//'/opencl/')
    call opencl_create_kernel(set_zero, prog, "set_zero")
    call opencl_release_program(prog)

    call opencl_build_program(prog, trim(conf%share)//'/opencl/')
    call opencl_create_kernel(kernel_vpsi, prog, "vpsi")
    call opencl_create_kernel(kernel_vpsi_spinors, prog, "vpsi_spinors")
    call opencl_release_program(prog)

    call opencl_build_program(prog, trim(conf%share)//'/opencl/', flags = '-DRTYPE_DOUBLE')
    call opencl_create_kernel(kernel_daxpy, prog, "daxpy")
    call opencl_release_program(prog)

    call opencl_build_program(prog, trim(conf%share)//'/opencl/', flags = '-DRTYPE_COMPLEX')
    call opencl_create_kernel(kernel_zaxpy, prog, "zaxpy")
    call opencl_release_program(prog)

    call opencl_build_program(prog, trim(conf%share)//'/opencl/')
    call opencl_create_kernel(dpack, prog, "dpack")
    call opencl_create_kernel(zpack, prog, "zpack")
    call opencl_create_kernel(dunpack, prog, "dunpack")
    call opencl_create_kernel(zunpack, prog, "zunpack")
    call opencl_release_program(prog)

    call opencl_build_program(prog, trim(conf%share)//'/opencl/')
    call opencl_create_kernel(kernel_copy, prog, "copy")
    call opencl_release_program(prog)

    call opencl_build_program(prog, trim(conf%share)//'/opencl/')
    call opencl_create_kernel(kernel_subarray_gather, prog, "subarray_gather")
    call opencl_release_program(prog)

    call opencl_build_program(prog, trim(conf%share)//'/opencl/')
    call opencl_create_kernel(kernel_density_real, prog, "density_real")
    call opencl_create_kernel(kernel_density_complex, prog, "density_complex")
    call opencl_release_program(prog)

    call opencl_build_program(prog, trim(conf%share)//'/opencl/')
    call opencl_create_kernel(kernel_phase, prog, "phase")
    call opencl_release_program(prog)

    call opencl_build_program(prog, trim(conf%share)//'/opencl/')
    call opencl_create_kernel(dkernel_dot_vector, prog, "ddot_vector")
    call opencl_create_kernel(zkernel_dot_vector, prog, "zdot_vector")
    call opencl_create_kernel(dkernel_dot_matrix, prog, "ddot_matrix")
    call opencl_create_kernel(zkernel_dot_matrix, prog, "zdot_matrix")
    call opencl_create_kernel(zkernel_dot_matrix_spinors, prog, "zdot_matrix_spinors")
    call opencl_create_kernel(kernel_nrm2_vector, prog, "nrm2_vector")
    call opencl_release_program(prog)

    call opencl_build_program(prog, trim(conf%share)//'/opencl/', flags = '-DRTYPE_DOUBLE')
    call opencl_create_kernel(dzmul, prog, "dzmul")
    call opencl_release_program(prog)

    call opencl_build_program(prog, trim(conf%share)//'/opencl/', flags = '-DRTYPE_COMPLEX')
    call opencl_create_kernel(zzmul, prog, "zzmul")
    call opencl_release_program(prog)
    call clAmdBlasSetup(cl_status)
    if(cl_status /= clAmdBlasSuccess) call clblas_print_error(cl_status, 'clAmdBlasSetup')
    call clAmdFftSetup(cl_status)
    if(cl_status /= CLFFT_SUCCESS) call clfft_print_error(cl_status, 'clAmdFftSetup')
    !%Variable OpenCLBenchmark
    !%Type logical
    !%Default no
    !%Section Execution::OpenCL
    !% If this variable is set to yes, Octopus will run some
    !% routines to benchmark the performance of the OpenCL device.

    call parse_variable('OpenCLBenchmark', .false., run_benchmark)
    subroutine select_device(idevice)
      integer, intent(inout) :: idevice
#if defined(HAVE_MPI) && defined(HAVE_OPENCL)
      integer :: irank
      character(len=256) :: device_name
      idevice = mod(base_grp%rank, ndevices)
      call MPI_Barrier(base_grp%comm, mpi_err)
      call messages_write('Info: CL device distribution:')
      call messages_info()
      do irank = 0, base_grp%size - 1
        if(irank == base_grp%rank) then
          call clGetDeviceInfo(alldevices(idevice + 1), CL_DEVICE_NAME, device_name, cl_status)
          call messages_write('      MPI node ')
          call messages_write(base_grp%rank)
          call messages_write(' -> CL device ')
          call messages_write(idevice)
          call messages_write(' : '//device_name)
          call messages_info(all_nodes = .true.)
        end if
        call MPI_Barrier(base_grp%comm, mpi_err)
    end subroutine select_device

      integer(8) :: val 
      character(len=256) :: val_str
      call messages_new_line()
      call messages_write('Selected CL device:')
      call messages_new_line()
      call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_TYPE, val, cl_status)
      call messages_write('      Device type            :')
      select case(int(val, 4))
        call messages_write(' GPU')
        call messages_write(' CPU')
        call messages_write(' accelerator')
      end select
      call messages_new_line()

      call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_VENDOR, val_str, cl_status)
      call messages_write('      Device vendor          : '//trim(val_str))
      call messages_new_line()
      call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_NAME, val_str, cl_status)
      call messages_write('      Device name            : '//trim(val_str))
      call messages_new_line()
      call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DRIVER_VERSION, val_str, cl_status)
      call messages_write('      Driver version         : '//trim(val_str))
      call messages_new_line()
      call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS, val, cl_status)
      call messages_write('      Compute units          :')
      call messages_write(val)
      call messages_new_line()
      call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY, val, cl_status)
      call messages_write('      Clock frequency        :')
      call messages_write(val)
      call messages_write(' GHz')
      call messages_new_line()
      call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE, val, cl_status)
      call messages_write('      Device memory          :')
      call messages_write(val, units = unit_megabytes)
      call messages_new_line()
      call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, val, cl_status)
      call messages_write('      Max alloc size         :')
      call messages_write(val, units = unit_megabytes)
      call messages_new_line()
      call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHE_SIZE, val, cl_status)
      call messages_write('      Device cache           :')
      call messages_write(val, units = unit_kilobytes)
      call messages_new_line()
      call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, val, cl_status)
      call messages_write('      Local memory           :')
      call messages_write(val, units = unit_kilobytes)
      call messages_new_line()
      call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE, val, cl_status)
      call messages_write('      Constant memory        :')
      call messages_write(val, units = unit_kilobytes)
      call messages_new_line()
      call clGetDeviceInfo(opencl%device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, val, cl_status)
      call messages_write('      Max. workgroup size    :')
      call messages_write(val)
      call messages_new_line()
      call messages_write('      Extension cl_khr_fp64  :')
      call messages_write(f90_cl_device_has_extension(opencl%device, "cl_khr_fp64"))
      call messages_new_line()
      call messages_write('      Extension cl_amd_fp64  :')
      call messages_write(f90_cl_device_has_extension(opencl%device, "cl_amd_fp64"))
      call messages_new_line()
  ! ------------------------------------------
  integer function get_platform_id(platform_name) result(platform_id)
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: platform_name
    platform_id = CL_PLAT_INVALID
    if(index(platform_name, 'AMD') > 0)    platform_id = CL_PLAT_AMD
    if(index(platform_name, 'ATI') > 0)    platform_id = CL_PLAT_ATI
    if(index(platform_name, 'NVIDIA') > 0) platform_id = CL_PLAT_NVIDIA
    if(index(platform_name, 'Intel') > 0)  platform_id = CL_PLAT_INTEL
  end function get_platform_id
  ! ------------------------------------------
      call opencl_release_kernel(kernel_vpsi)
      call opencl_release_kernel(kernel_vpsi_spinors)
      call opencl_release_kernel(set_zero)
      call opencl_release_kernel(kernel_daxpy)
      call opencl_release_kernel(kernel_zaxpy)
      call opencl_release_kernel(kernel_copy)
      call opencl_release_kernel(dpack)
      call opencl_release_kernel(zpack)
      call opencl_release_kernel(dunpack)
      call opencl_release_kernel(zunpack)
      call opencl_release_kernel(kernel_subarray_gather)
      call opencl_release_kernel(kernel_density_real)
      call opencl_release_kernel(kernel_density_complex)
      call opencl_release_kernel(kernel_phase)
      call opencl_release_kernel(dkernel_dot_matrix)
      call opencl_release_kernel(zkernel_dot_matrix)
      call opencl_release_kernel(dkernel_dot_vector)
      call opencl_release_kernel(zkernel_dot_vector)
      call opencl_release_kernel(zkernel_dot_matrix_spinors)

      call clReleaseCommandQueue(opencl%command_queue, ierr)

      if(ierr /= CL_SUCCESS) call opencl_print_error(ierr, "ReleaseCommandQueue")
      call clReleaseContext(opencl%context, cl_status)

      if(buffer_alloc_count /= 0) then
        call messages_write('OpenCL:')
        call messages_write(real(allocated_mem, REAL_PRECISION), fmt = 'f12.1', units = unit_megabytes, align_left = .true.)
        call messages_write(' in ')
        call messages_write(buffer_alloc_count)
        call messages_write(' buffers were not deallocated.')
        call messages_warning()
  end subroutine opencl_end
  ! ------------------------------------------
  integer function opencl_padded_size(nn) result(psize)
    integer,        intent(in) :: nn
    psize = nn
    modnn = mod(nn, bsize)
    if(modnn /= 0) psize = psize + bsize - modnn
  ! ------------------------------------------
  subroutine opencl_create_buffer_4(this, flags, type, size)
    type(opencl_mem_t), intent(inout) :: this
    integer,            intent(in)    :: flags
    type(type_t),       intent(in)    :: type
    integer,            intent(in)    :: size
    fsize = int(size, 8)*types_get_size(type)
    this%mem = clCreateBuffer(opencl%context, flags, fsize, ierr)
    if(ierr /= CL_SUCCESS) call opencl_print_error(ierr, "clCreateBuffer")
    INCR(buffer_alloc_count, 1)
    INCR(allocated_mem, fsize)
  end subroutine opencl_create_buffer_4
  ! ------------------------------------------
  subroutine opencl_release_buffer(this)
    type(opencl_mem_t), intent(inout) :: this
    call clReleaseMemObject(this%mem, ierr)
    if(ierr /= CL_SUCCESS) call opencl_print_error(ierr, "clReleaseMemObject")
    INCR(buffer_alloc_count, -1)
    INCR(allocated_mem, -int(this%size, 8)*types_get_size(this%type))
  end subroutine opencl_release_buffer
  ! ------------------------------------------
  integer(SIZEOF_SIZE_T) pure function opencl_get_buffer_size(this) result(size)
    type(opencl_mem_t), intent(in) :: this
    size = this%size
  end function opencl_get_buffer_size
  ! -----------------------------------------
  type(type_t) pure function opencl_get_buffer_type(this) result(type)
    type(opencl_mem_t), intent(in) :: this
    type = this%type
  end function opencl_get_buffer_type
  ! -----------------------------------------
  subroutine opencl_finish()
    integer :: ierr
    call clFinish(opencl%command_queue, ierr)
    if(ierr /= CL_SUCCESS) call opencl_print_error(ierr, 'clFinish') 
  ! ------------------------------------------
  subroutine opencl_set_kernel_arg_buffer(kernel, narg, buffer)
    type(cl_kernel),    intent(inout) :: kernel
    integer,            intent(in)    :: narg
    type(opencl_mem_t), intent(in)    :: buffer
    call clSetKernelArg(kernel, narg, buffer%mem, ierr)
    if(ierr /= CL_SUCCESS) call opencl_print_error(ierr, "clSetKernelArg_buf")
  end subroutine opencl_set_kernel_arg_buffer
  ! ------------------------------------------
  subroutine opencl_set_kernel_arg_local(kernel, narg, type, size)
    type(cl_kernel),    intent(inout) :: kernel
    integer,            intent(in)    :: narg
    type(type_t),       intent(in)    :: type
    integer,            intent(in)    :: size
    integer :: ierr
    integer(8) :: size_in_bytes
    size_in_bytes = int(size, 8)*types_get_size(type)
    if(size_in_bytes > opencl%local_memory_size) then
      write(message(1), '(a,f12.6,a)') "CL Error: requested local memory: ", dble(size_in_bytes)/1024.0, " Kb"
      write(message(2), '(a,f12.6,a)') "          available local memory: ", dble(opencl%local_memory_size)/1024.0, " Kb"
      call messages_fatal(2)
    else if(size_in_bytes <= 0) then
      write(message(1), '(a,i10)') "CL Error: invalid local memory size: ", size_in_bytes
      call messages_fatal(1)
    end if
    call clSetKernelArgLocal(kernel, narg, size_in_bytes, ierr)
    if(ierr /= CL_SUCCESS) call opencl_print_error(ierr, "set_kernel_arg_local")
  end subroutine opencl_set_kernel_arg_local
  ! ------------------------------------------
  subroutine opencl_kernel_run(kernel, globalsizes, localsizes)
    type(cl_kernel),    intent(inout) :: kernel
    integer,            intent(in)    :: globalsizes(:)
    integer,            intent(in)    :: localsizes(:)
    integer :: dim, ierr
    integer(8) :: gsizes(1:3)
    integer(8) :: lsizes(1:3)
    ! no push_sub, called too frequently
    ASSERT(dim == ubound(localsizes, dim = 1))
    ASSERT(all(localsizes <= opencl_max_workgroup_size()))
    ASSERT(all(mod(globalsizes, localsizes) == 0))
    gsizes(1:dim) = int(globalsizes(1:dim), 8)
    lsizes(1:dim) = int(localsizes(1:dim), 8)
    call clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(opencl%command_queue, kernel, gsizes(1:dim), lsizes(1:dim), ierr)
    if(ierr /= CL_SUCCESS) call opencl_print_error(ierr, "EnqueueNDRangeKernel")
  ! -----------------------------------------------
  integer pure function opencl_max_workgroup_size() result(max_workgroup_size)
    max_workgroup_size = opencl%max_workgroup_size
  end function opencl_max_workgroup_size
  ! -----------------------------------------------
  integer function opencl_kernel_workgroup_size(kernel) result(workgroup_size)
    type(cl_kernel), intent(inout) :: kernel
    integer(8) :: workgroup_size8
    integer    :: ierr
    call clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(kernel, opencl%device, CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, workgroup_size8, ierr)
    if(ierr /= CL_SUCCESS) call opencl_print_error(ierr, "EnqueueNDRangeKernel")
    workgroup_size = workgroup_size8
  end function opencl_kernel_workgroup_size
  ! -----------------------------------------------
  subroutine opencl_build_program(prog, filename, flags)
    type(cl_program),           intent(inout) :: prog
    character(len=*),           intent(in)    :: filename
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in)    :: flags

    character(len = OPENCL_MAX_FILE_LENGTH) :: string
    character(len = 256) :: share_string
    integer :: ierr, ierrlog, iunit, irec, newlen
    type(profile_t), save :: prof

    call profiling_in(prof, "CL_COMPILE", exclude = .true.)

    string = ''

    call io_assign(iunit)
    open(unit = iunit, file = trim(filename), access='direct', status = 'old', action = 'read', iostat = ierr, recl = 1)
    irec = 1
      read(unit = iunit, rec = irec, iostat = ierr) string(irec:irec) 
      if (ierr /= 0) exit
      if(irec == OPENCL_MAX_FILE_LENGTH) then
        call messages_write('CL source file is too big: '//trim(filename)//'.')
        call messages_new_line()
        call messages_write("       Increase 'OPENCL_MAX_FILE_LENGTH'.")
    call messages_write("Building CL program '"//trim(filename)//"'.")
    call messages_info()
    prog = clCreateProgramWithSource(opencl%context, string, ierr)
    if(ierr /= CL_SUCCESS) call opencl_print_error(ierr, "clCreateProgramWithSource")

    ! build the compilation flags
    ! full optimization
    string=trim(string)//' -cl-denorms-are-zero'
    ! The following flag gives an error with the Xeon Phi
    !    string=trim(string)//' -cl-strict-aliasing'
    string=trim(string)//' -cl-mad-enable'
    string=trim(string)//' -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations'
    string=trim(string)//' -cl-finite-math-only'
    string=trim(string)//' -cl-fast-relaxed-math'
    if (f90_cl_device_has_extension(opencl%device, "cl_amd_fp64")) then
      string = trim(string)//' -DEXT_AMD_FP64'
    else if(f90_cl_device_has_extension(opencl%device, "cl_khr_fp64")) then
      string = trim(string)//' -DEXT_KHR_FP64'
      call messages_write('Octopus requires an OpenCL device with double-precision support.')
      call messages_fatal()
    end if
    if(opencl_use_shared_mem()) then
      string = trim(string)//' -DSHARED_MEM'
    end if

    if(present(flags)) then
      string = trim(string)//' '//trim(flags)
    end if

    if(in_debug_mode) then
      call messages_write("Debug info: compilation flags '"//trim(string), new_line = .true.)
      call messages_write('  '//trim(share_string)//"'.")
    string = trim(string)//' '//trim(share_string)