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提交 0d74d445 编辑于 作者: Sebastian Ohlmann's avatar Sebastian Ohlmann

Improve the debug message for kernel launch errors

Print out the kernel name and also some more detail about the dimensions
that are problematic.
......@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ module accel_oct_m
logical :: initialized = .false.
type(accel_kernel_t), pointer :: next
integer :: arg_count
character(len=128) :: kernel_name
end type accel_kernel_t
type(accel_t), public :: accel
......@@ -1320,15 +1321,38 @@ contains
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
! Maximum dimension of a block
ASSERT(all(lsizes(1:3) <= accel%max_block_dim(1:3)))
if (any(lsizes(1:3) > accel%max_block_dim(1:3))) then
message(1) = "Maximum dimension of a block too large in kernel "//trim(kernel%kernel_name)
message(2) = "The following conditions should be fulfilled:"
write(message(3), "(A, I8, A, I8)") "Dim 1: ", lsizes(1), " <= ", accel%max_block_dim(1)
write(message(4), "(A, I8, A, I8)") "Dim 2: ", lsizes(2), " <= ", accel%max_block_dim(2)
write(message(5), "(A, I8, A, I8)") "Dim 3: ", lsizes(3), " <= ", accel%max_block_dim(3)
message(6) = "This is an internal error, please contact the developers."
call messages_fatal(6)
end if
! Maximum number of threads per block
ASSERT(product(lsizes) <= accel_max_workgroup_size())
if (product(lsizes) > accel_max_workgroup_size()) then
message(1) = "Maximum number of threads per block too large in kernel "//trim(kernel%kernel_name)
message(2) = "The following condition should be fulfilled:"
write(message(3), "(I8, A, I8)") product(lsizes), " <= ", accel_max_workgroup_size()
message(4) = "This is an internal error, please contact the developers."
call messages_fatal(4)
end if
gsizes(1:3) = gsizes(1:3)/lsizes(1:3)
! Maximum dimensions of the grid of thread block
ASSERT(all(gsizes(1:3) <= accel%max_grid_dim(1:3)))
if (any(gsizes(1:3) > accel%max_grid_dim(1:3))) then
message(1) = "Maximum dimension of grid too large in kernel "//trim(kernel%kernel_name)
message(2) = "The following conditions should be fulfilled:"
write(message(3), "(A, I8, A, I10)") "Dim 1: ", gsizes(1), " <= ", accel%max_grid_dim(1)
write(message(4), "(A, I8, A, I10)") "Dim 2: ", gsizes(2), " <= ", accel%max_grid_dim(2)
write(message(5), "(A, I8, A, I10)") "Dim 3: ", gsizes(3), " <= ", accel%max_grid_dim(3)
message(6) = "This is an internal error, please contact the developers."
call messages_fatal(6)
end if
call cuda_launch_kernel(kernel%cuda_kernel, gsizes(1), lsizes(1), kernel%cuda_shared_mem, kernel%arguments)
......@@ -1990,6 +2014,7 @@ contains
this%initialized = .true.
this%kernel_name = trim(kernel_name)
call profiling_out(prof)
0% .
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