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该项目从 镜像。 Pull mirroring failed .
  1. 11月 25, 2011
  2. 11月 22, 2011
  3. 11月 19, 2011
  4. 11月 05, 2011
  5. 11月 04, 2011
  6. 11月 03, 2011
  7. 11月 02, 2011
  8. 8月 21, 2011
  9. 8月 15, 2011
  10. 8月 09, 2011
    • David Strubbe's avatar
      Trying to fix a compilation error on chum intel · 22f727e7
      David Strubbe 创作于
      fortcom: Error: ../../../src/basic/cl_kernel.F90, line 140: The dummy argument of a derived type containing a pointer component has the INTENT(IN) attribute therefore it shall not appear as the expr of an assignment-stmt in a PURE procedure.   [THIS]
          ref = this%kernel
      and this warning
      fortcom: Warning: ../../../src/basic/opencl.F90, line 411: The return value of this FUNCTION has not been defined.   [WORKGROUP_SIZE]
          integer function opencl_kernel_workgroup_size(kernel) result(workgroup_size)
    • David Strubbe's avatar
      * Hyphens, formatting. · 2bf0ee98
      David Strubbe 创作于
      * Made filename agree with module name for opt_control_iter.
  11. 8月 07, 2011