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该项目从 镜像。 Pull mirroring failed .
  1. 4月 23, 2021
  2. 3月 08, 2021
  3. 3月 03, 2021
    • Sebastian Ohlmann's avatar
      Implement ghost exchange on GPUs · cd368c5d
      Sebastian Ohlmann 创作于
      The packing for sending and unpacking from receiving is done with a
      kernel that implements a general reordering according to a map.
      The implementation again supports both normal MPI and CUDA-aware MPI.
  4. 11月 26, 2020
  5. 7月 09, 2020
  6. 7月 08, 2020
  7. 7月 02, 2020
  8. 4月 16, 2020
  9. 3月 27, 2020
  10. 3月 25, 2020
  11. 3月 17, 2020
  12. 3月 10, 2020
  13. 2月 13, 2020
  14. 2月 12, 2020
  15. 2月 11, 2020
  16. 2月 05, 2020
  17. 2月 04, 2020
  18. 1月 14, 2020
  19. 12月 12, 2019
  20. 12月 11, 2019
  21. 12月 08, 2019
  22. 11月 26, 2019
  23. 10月 29, 2019
    • Sebastian Ohlmann's avatar
      Add warning for >1 process per GPU for CUDA-aware MPI · 3a970b43
      Sebastian Ohlmann 创作于
      In this case, the Nvidia MPS daemon has to be used. Otherwise, the
      different processes cannot access the GPU memory of the other processes
      as needed for the CUDA-aware MPI implementation because the memory
      belongs to different contexts. When using MPS, the different contexts
      are merged under the hood.
      In any case it is probably a good idea to run MPS.
  24. 10月 25, 2019
  25. 10月 20, 2019
  26. 10月 16, 2019
    • Sebastian Ohlmann's avatar
      Set stream for cuBlas functions · b890ed7e
      Sebastian Ohlmann 创作于
      This is needed to ensure the cublas functions are executed in the same
      stream as the rest of the CUDA kernels and thus are synchronous to the
      other operations.
  27. 10月 15, 2019
  28. 10月 14, 2019
  29. 8月 05, 2019
  30. 6月 20, 2019
  31. 6月 19, 2019
  32. 6月 14, 2019
  33. 5月 26, 2019
  34. 5月 21, 2019