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- 4月 23, 2021
由 Micael Oliveira 创作于
Removed several nullify routines. Also made sure that several subroutines that copy derived data types that do not have a finalizer call the corresponding *_end routine explicitly and have the corresponding argument is intent(inout).
- 3月 08, 2021
由 Micael Oliveira 创作于
Remove the INCR macro in order to stick as much as possible with Fortran, so that the code is not too much obfuscated.
- 3月 03, 2021
由 Sebastian Ohlmann 创作于
The packing for sending and unpacking from receiving is done with a kernel that implements a general reordering according to a map. The implementation again supports both normal MPI and CUDA-aware MPI.
- 11月 26, 2020
由 Micael Oliveira 创作于
由 Micael Oliveira 创作于
- 7月 09, 2020
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 7月 08, 2020
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 7月 02, 2020
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 4月 16, 2020
由 Micael Oliveira 创作于
- 3月 27, 2020
由 NicolasTD 创作于
Replace real(8) by FLOAT when possible. Remove some single precision routines, as this is not supported anymore
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 3月 25, 2020
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 3月 17, 2020
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 3月 10, 2020
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 2月 13, 2020
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 2月 12, 2020
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 2月 11, 2020
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 2月 05, 2020
由 Sebastian Ohlmann 创作于
- 2月 04, 2020
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 1月 14, 2020
由 Micael Oliveira 创作于
- 12月 12, 2019
由 Nicolas Tancogne-Dejean 创作于
- 12月 11, 2019
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 12月 08, 2019
由 Sebastian Ohlmann 创作于
由 micaeljtoliveira 创作于
This reverts commit 3a970b43.
- 11月 26, 2019
由 Sebastian Ohlmann 创作于
由 Sebastian Ohlmann 创作于
With this approach, the dot products with offsets can be effectively overlapped. The infrastructure of using different streams could also be expanded to other parts of the code.
- 10月 29, 2019
由 Sebastian Ohlmann 创作于
In this case, the Nvidia MPS daemon has to be used. Otherwise, the different processes cannot access the GPU memory of the other processes as needed for the CUDA-aware MPI implementation because the memory belongs to different contexts. When using MPS, the different contexts are merged under the hood. In any case it is probably a good idea to run MPS.
- 10月 25, 2019
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 10月 20, 2019
由 Micael Oliveira 创作于
Added packed, unpacked and device packed versions of density_calc_accumulate for non-collinear spin.
- 10月 16, 2019
由 Sebastian Ohlmann 创作于
This is needed to ensure the cublas functions are executed in the same stream as the rest of the CUDA kernels and thus are synchronous to the other operations.
- 10月 15, 2019
由 Martin Lueders 创作于
- 10月 14, 2019
由 Sebastian Ohlmann 创作于
These functions get the device pointers from C and put this pointer into a fortran pointer that canbe used like a regular pointer or array for MPI calls when CUDA-aware MPI is enabled.
由 Sebastian Ohlmann 创作于
The configure-time switch --enable-cudampi and the variable CudaAwareMPI are introduced to enable or disable the use of CUDA-aware MPI.
- 8月 05, 2019
由 Micael Oliveira 创作于
- 6月 20, 2019
由 Xavier Andrade 创作于
- 6月 19, 2019
由 Xavier Andrade 创作于
parse_is_defined and messages_obsolete. * Pass the parser object down the call tree.
- 6月 14, 2019
由 Micael Oliveira 创作于
The derived data types are now declared with all components private by default with public components indicated explicitly, or a comment is added when the components are public by default in which case the private components are indicated explicitly.
- 5月 26, 2019
由 Xavier Andrade 创作于
- 5月 21, 2019
由 Xavier Andrade 创作于