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- 12月 06, 2010
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 11月 24, 2010
由 Martha Borkan 创作于
由 Martha Borkan 创作于
由 Martha Borkan 创作于
- 11月 23, 2010
由 Martha Borkan 创作于
- 11月 22, 2010
由 Martha Borkan 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
Non-standard header tag values are no longer typed. They are all stored as strings. Any existing files that have a non-standard header tag value with a value type encoded in it will need to be repaired. These header tags will parse, but may not yield the expected results. AbstractSAMHeaderRecord.setAttribute(String, Object) has been deprecated. Use AbstractSAMHeaderRecord(String, String) instead. AbstractSAMHeaderRecord.getAttribute and .getAttributes have been changed to return String and Map<String, String>, respectively. Existing code that called these methods may need to be changed, in the cases where other than a String return value was expected.
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
When merging the input files, if they are all sorted then use that to produce a sorted input iterator.
由 Martha Borkan 创作于
- 11月 17, 2010
由 Martha Borkan 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
由 Martha Borkan 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 11月 15, 2010
由 Martha Borkan 创作于
由 Martha Borkan 创作于
由 Martha Borkan 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 11月 13, 2010
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 11月 05, 2010
由 Tim Fennell 创作于
由 Tim Fennell 创作于
- 11月 01, 2010
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
由 Kathleen Tibbetts 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
Emit warning if MD5 or BAM index creation is requested, but can't be done because output BAM is not a regular file.
- 10月 28, 2010
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
Fix auto-MD5 generation, which wasn't working because of check that output file already exists rather than that it is a normal path.
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于
CommandLinePrograms no longer display common options unless -H or --stdhelp is used or there was an error with a standard option. Modified option and the CreateHTML source files to add a common attribute to identify options as common.
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于
Tests changed to reflect FastqToSam no longer fails on read if trailing /1 or /2 is missing IF the read names are identical AND don't end in /1 or /2. Also changed test execution process to include argument parsing in CommandLineProgram.
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于
FastqToSam no longer fails on read if trailing /1 or /2 is missing IF the read names are identical AND don't end in /1 or /2
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于
SamToFastq may now output fastq files per read group if OUTPUT_PER_RG (OPRG) is specified. If OUTPUT_DIR is specified with OUTPUT_PER_RG then a file (two if paired end) will be output in OUTPUT_DIR per read group named after the platform unit for the read group.
由 Tim Fennell 创作于
- 10月 27, 2010
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
When trying to find a sequence dictionary corresponding to a reference fasta, try filename.dict if basename.dict isn't found. Patch from Nils Homer.