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- 9月 10, 2012
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 8月 28, 2012
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
Add option ALIGNER_PROPER_PAIR_FLAGS to MergeBamAlignment to tell it to keep the aligner's notion of proper pair flag rather than overwriting it with MergeBamAlignment's notion.
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 8月 20, 2012
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
Set SortingCollection.destructiveIteration true by default, in order to enable earlier GC of no-longer-needed SAMRecords.
- 8月 16, 2012
由 Michael McCowan 创作于
Significant code refactoring in IlluminaBasecallsToSam; overhaulded threading model to improve CPU utilization; added test for Tile comparator
由 Michael McCowan 创作于
由 Michael McCowan 创作于
- 8月 14, 2012
由 Michael McCowan 创作于
- 8月 13, 2012
由 Kathleen Tibbetts 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 8月 10, 2012
由 Michael McCowan 创作于
- 8月 08, 2012
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 8月 06, 2012
由 Kathleen Tibbetts 创作于
- 7月 31, 2012
由 Michael McCowan 创作于
Augmented plots for GC Bias Metrics, Mean Quality by Cycle, Quality Score Distribution, and RNA Sequence Coverage. Specifically, if the plot was generated from a read group .bam, the title of the plot includes the read group's library.
由 Kathleen Tibbetts 创作于
added method to make a read unmapped and a method to check whether any cigar element consumes both read and reference bases to SAMUtils; used these methods in AbstractAlignment merger to catch reads with cigar strings that don't consume any read or reference bases (e.g. all soft-clipped) and make them unmapped
- 7月 30, 2012
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 7月 26, 2012
由 Kathleen Tibbetts 创作于
Handle case where an alignment record has no cigar elements that consume both the read and the reference (e.g. the read is all soft-clipped)
由 Michael McCowan 创作于
No commit message
- 7月 23, 2012
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于
Add support for targetedPcrMetrics and collected common HsMetrics and TargetedPcrMetrics behavior into TargetMetricsCollector
由 Tim Fennell 创作于
- 7月 21, 2012
由 Tim Fennell 创作于
Added a new "ProgressLogger" class that facilitates more useful and standard progress logging for any program that iterates through a stream of SAMRecords. Adapted most command line programs to use it.
- 7月 16, 2012
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 7月 02, 2012
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 6月 25, 2012
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 6月 21, 2012
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 6月 18, 2012
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于
- 6月 15, 2012
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于
Abstract metric accumulation functionality into MultiLevelCollector and refactor all classes that use MultilevelMetrics
- 6月 04, 2012
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 5月 31, 2012
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
Switch SortingLongCollection from memory-mapped I/O to DataInput/OutputStream, in order to avoid problems due to JVM's delayed release of mapped memory.
- 5月 25, 2012
由 Tim Fennell 创作于
Performance fix to EstimateLibraryComplexity. Previously it would attempt to find duplicates within all groups of reads with a common prefix which would bog down if a technical sequence like adapter dimer dominated the library. The fix is just to ignore groups that have > some large multiple of the expected average number of read pairs per group. The default is 500 times over the mean.
- 5月 21, 2012
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
Add option PRIMARY_ALIGNMENT_STRATEGY to MergeBamAlignment, which enables selection of the strategy for selecting the primary alignment for a read if there are multiple alignments marked as primary, or if none of the alignments for a read are marked as primary. In addition to the existing strategy, BestMapq, add a new strategy EarliestFragment which only works for fragments, and selects the alignment that maps the earliest base in a read.
由 Alec Wysoker 创作于
- 5月 17, 2012
由 Jonathan Burke 创作于