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提交 06874b82 编辑于 作者: Alexey Gurevich's avatar Alexey Gurevich

Cosmetics: removed --no-gzip and .gz for used_snps and gff files since they...

Cosmetics: removed --no-gzip and .gz for used_snps and gff files since they are not compressed actually and the option is not used
上级 210b0cc9
......@@ -772,11 +772,11 @@ Do not compute GC% and do not produce GC-distribution plots (both in HTML report
Do not run structural variant calling and processing (make sense only if reads are specified).
<div class='option'>
Do not compress large output files (files containing SNP information and predicted genes).
This may speed up computation, but more disk space is required.
<!--<div class='option'>-->
<!--Do not compress large output files (files containing SNP information and predicted genes).-->
<!--This may speed up computation, but more disk space is required.-->
<div class='option'>
<a name='no_read_stats'></a><code><b>--no-read-stats</b></code>
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def get_aux_out_fpaths(fname):
coords_fpath = fname + '.coords'
coords_filtered_fpath = fname + '.coords.filtered'
unaligned_fpath = fname + '.unaligned' if not qconfig.space_efficient else '/dev/null'
used_snps_fpath = fname + '.used_snps' + ('.gz' if not qconfig.no_gzip else '') if not qconfig.space_efficient else '/dev/null'
used_snps_fpath = fname + '.used_snps' if not qconfig.space_efficient else '/dev/null'
return coords_fpath, coords_filtered_fpath, unaligned_fpath, used_snps_fpath
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ def predict_genes(index, contigs_fpath, gene_lengths, out_dirpath, tool_dirpath,
for gene in genes:
gene.is_full = gene.start > 1 and gene.end < contig_lengths[gene.contig]
tool_name = "genemark"
out_gff_fpath = os.path.join(out_dirpath, corr_assembly_label + '_' + tool_name + '_genes.gff' + ('.gz' if not qconfig.no_gzip else ''))
out_gff_fpath = os.path.join(out_dirpath, corr_assembly_label + '_' + tool_name + '_genes.gff')
add_genes_to_gff(genes, out_gff_fpath, prokaryote)
out_fasta_fpath = os.path.join(out_dirpath, corr_assembly_label + '_' + tool_name + '_genes.fasta')
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ def glimmerHMM(tool_dir, tool_exec_fpath, fasta_fpath, out_fpath, gene_lengths,
if not gffs:
return None, None, None, None, None, None
out_gff_fpath = out_fpath + '_genes.gff' + ('.gz' if not qconfig.no_gzip else '')
out_gff_fpath = out_fpath + '_genes.gff'
out_gff_path = merge_gffs(gffs, out_gff_fpath)
unique, total = set(), 0
genes = []
......@@ -627,14 +627,14 @@ def parse_options(logger, quast_args):
callback_kwargs={'store_true_values': ['no_gc', 'no_sv', 'no_gzip', 'no_read_stats'],
callback_kwargs={'store_true_values': ['no_gc', 'no_sv', 'no_read_stats'],
'store_false_values': ['show_snps', 'draw_plots', 'html_report', 'create_icarus_html', 'analyze_gaps']},
(['--no-gzip'], dict(
# (['--no-gzip'], dict(
# dest='no_gzip',
# action='store_true')
# ),
(['--no-check'], dict(
......@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ unique_mapping = False # for metaQUAST only
no_gc = False
no_sv = False
no_read_stats = False
no_gzip = False
show_snps = True
glimmer = False
is_combined_ref = False
......@@ -518,7 +517,7 @@ def usage(show_hidden=False, mode=None, short=True, stream=sys.stdout):
stream.write(" --no-snps Do not report SNPs (may significantly reduce memory consumption on large genomes)\n")
stream.write(" --no-gc Do not compute GC% and GC-distribution\n")
stream.write(" --no-sv Do not run structural variation detection (make sense only if reads are specified)\n")
stream.write(" --no-gzip Do not compress large output files\n")
# stream.write(" --no-gzip Do not compress large output files\n")m
stream.write(" --no-read-stats Do not align reads to assemblies\n"
" Reads will be aligned to reference and used for coverage analysis,\n"
" upper bound assembly simulation, and structural variation detection.\n"
0% .
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