该项目从 https://github.com/COMBINE-lab/salmon 镜像。
拉取镜像更新于 。
- 6月 14, 2021
由 Rob Patro 创作于
- 6月 13, 2021
由 Avi Srivastava 创作于
由 Avi Srivastava 创作于
由 Rob Patro 创作于
由 Rob Patro 创作于
由 Avi Srivastava 创作于
- 6月 11, 2021
由 Rob Patro 创作于
- 6月 04, 2021
- 6月 02, 2021
- 5月 12, 2021
由 Rob Patro 创作于
由 Rob Patro 创作于
由 Rob Patro 创作于
由 Rob Patro 创作于
Ont! Implementation of `--ont` flag, including disabling of the length correction and inclusion of the new ONT, long-read error model. This PR also includes checks for the relevant requirements for long-read alignments (i.e. issues regarding only recording certain information in the primary alignment, which doesn't seem to be an issue with short read data).
由 Avi Srivastava 创作于
- 5月 08, 2021
由 Avi Srivastava 创作于
由 Avi Srivastava 创作于
由 Avi Srivastava 创作于
由 Avi Srivastava 创作于
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
由 Guillaume Marcais 创作于
由 Hossein Asghari 创作于
* In the ONT model, the log-likelihood of front clips and back clips are separately calculated based on a semi-geometric model that contribute to the reported log-likelihood.
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
* Consider alignment with a supplementary alignment as bad alignments (probability 0). * Properly handle very low probability alignments and return the sentinel value LOG_0 instead of -inf (as returned by std::log()). * Use only clips at the front of the alignments for the clipping model. Clips at the back of the alignments do not follow a geometric distribution.
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
* Handle hard clip and reordered alignment properly
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
* Remove debugging code in SalmonQuantifyAlignments. * Remove unused function recordPrimaryIndex * Remove logger_ member from ONTAlignmentModel (overshadows the member in base class AlignmentCommon)
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
* Keep track of primary alignment that contains the sequence to use with the secondary records that may not contain any sequence (happens with long reads to save space). * Refactor computeErrorCount. Works block by block (instead of base by base) for CIGAR operation except 'M' (match, as every base must be compared to find mismatches). * computeErrorCount handles properly hard clip at the last position of the CIGAR string.
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
* Remove some commented code * Limit some needless indentation
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
* Simple model based on Binomial distribution and number of errors. * No distribution regarding soft clip yet. * Still problems with minimap2 output not including the sequence for secondary alignment.
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
* Simple error model: binomial distribution for errors (where the reads are binned by length).
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
* Two alignment model classes: AlignmentModel (for short read) and ONTAlignmentModel (for Oxford Nanopore long reads). Both inherit from AlignmentCommon for common aligner task (e.g., handle BAM file content). * Based on the flag --ont, the proper instanciation with one of the class above of 'runSingleEndSample' is used. This only applies for single-end data without equivalent classes. Single-end with equivalent classes and paired-end data do not honor the --ont switch (Should there be a warning if the flag is used in that case?)
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
* refactoring: move large piece of code in the switch base on the library type into helper functions (for the single end reads case). * helper function for single end reads case and no eq classes has template parameter for alignment model (right now hard-coded to AlignmentModel, the model for short reads).
由 Guillaume Marçais 创作于
* All use of AlignmentLibrary either use the AlignmentModel class (for short read libraries) or also have a template parameter AlignModelT.
- 5月 04, 2021
由 Rob Patro 创作于