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samtools release 1.10:

Changes affecting the whole of samtools, or multiple sub-commands:

 * Samtools now uses the new HTSlib header API.  As this adds more
   checks for invalid headers, it is possible that some illegal files
   will now be rejected when they would have been allowed by earlier
   versions. (#998)

   Examples of problems that will now be rejected include @SQ lines
   with no SN: tag, and @RG or @PG lines with no ID: tag.

 * samtools sub-commands will now add '@PG' header lines to output
   sam/bam/cram files.  To disable this, use the '--no-PG' option.
   (#1087; #1097)

 * samtools now supports alignment records with reference positions
   greater than 2 gigabases.  This allows samtools to process
   alignments for species which have large chromosomes, like axolotl
   and lungfish.  Note that due to file format limitations, data
   with large reference positions must use the SAM format. (#1107;

 * Improved the efficiency of reading and writing SAM format data by
   2 fold (single thread). This is further improved by the ability to
   use multiple threads, as previously done with BAM and CRAM.

 * samtools can now write BGZF-compressed SAM format.  To enable
   this, either save files with a '.sam.gz' suffix, or use
   '--output-fmt sam.gz'.

 * samtools can now index BGZF-compressed SAM files.

 * The region parsing code has been improved to handle colons in
   reference names.  Strings can be disambiguated by the use of
   braces, so for example when reference sequences called "chr1" and
   "chr1:100-200" are both present, the regions "{chr1}:100-200" and
   "{chr1:100-200}" unambiguously indicate which reference is being
   used. (#864)

 * samtools flags, flagstats, idxstats and stats now have aliases
   flag, flagstat, idxstat and stat. (#934)

 * A new global '--write-index' option has been added.  This allows
   output sam.gz/bam/cram files to be indexed while they are being
   written out. This should work with addreplacerg, depad, markdup,
   merge, sort, split, and view. (#1062)

 * A global '--verbosity' option has been added to enable/disable
   debugging output. (#1124, thanks to John Marshall)

 * It is now possible to have data and index files stored in
   different locations.  There are two ways to tell samtools
   where to find the index:

   1. Samtools bedcov, depth, merge, mpileup, stats, tview, and
      view accept a new option (-X).  When this is used, each input
      sam/bam/cram listed on the command line should have a
      corresponding index file.

      Note that all the data files should be listed first, followed
      by all the index files. (#978, thanks to Mingfei Shao)

   2. A delimiter '##idx##' can be appended to the data file name
      followed by the index file name.  This can be used both for
      input files and outputs when indexing on-the-fly.

 * HTSlib (and therefore SAMtools) now uses version 4 signatures by
   default for its s3:// plug-in.  It can also write to S3 buckets,
   as long as version 4 signatures are in use.  See HTSlib's NEWS
   file and htslib-s3-plugin manual page for more information.

 * HTSlib (and therefore SAMtools) no longer considers a
   zero-length file to be a valid SAM file.  This has been
   changed so that pipelines such as `somecmd | samtools ...`
   with `somecmd` aborting before outputting anything will now
   propagate the error to the second command.

 * The samtools manual page has been split up into one for each
   sub-command.  The main samtools.1 manual page now lists the
   sub-commands and describes the common global options. (#894)

 * The meaning of decode_md, store_md and store_nm in the fmt-option
   section of the samtools.1 man page has been clarified. (#898,
   thanks to Evan Benn)

 * Fixed numerous memory leaks. (#892)

 * Fixed incorrect macro definition on Windows. (#950)

 * bedcov, phase, misc/ace2sam and misc/wgsim now check for
   failure to open files.  (#1013, thanks to Julie Blommaert and
   John Marshall)

Changes affecting specific sub-commands:

 * A new "coverage" sub-command has been added.  This prints a
   tabular format of the average coverage and percent coverage for
   each reference sequence, as well as number of aligned reads,
   average mapping quality and base quality.  It can also (with the
   '-m' option) plot a histogram of coverage across the genome.
   (#992, thanks to Florian Breitwieser)

 * samtools calmd:

   - Reference bases in MD: tags are now converted to upper case.
     (#981, #988)

 * samtools depth:

   - Add new options to write a header to the output (-H) and to
     direct the output to a file (-o).  (#937, thanks to Pierre

   - New options '-g' and '-G' can be used to filter reads. (#953)

   - Fix memory leak when failing to set CRAM options. (#985, thanks
     to Florian Breitwieser)

   - Fix bug when using region filters where the '-a' option did not
     work for regions with no coverage. (#1113; #1112 reported by
     Paweł Sztromwasser)

 * samtools fasta and fastq:

   - '-1 FILE -2 FILE' with the same filename now works properly.

   - '-o FILE' is added as a synonym for '-1 FILE -2 FILE'. (#1042)

   - The '-F' option now defaults to 0x900 (SECONDARY,SUPPLEMENTARY).
     Previously secondary and supplementary records were filtered
     internally in a way that could not be turned off. (#1042; #939
     reported by @finswimmer)

   - Allow reading from a pipe without an explicit '-' on the command
     line. (#1042; #874 reported by John Marshall)

   - Turn on multi-threading for bgzf compressed output files. (#908)

   - Fixed bug where the samtools fastq -i would output incorrect
     information in the Casava tags for dual-index reads.  It
     also now prints the tags for dual indices in the same way as
     bcl2fastq, using a '+' sign between the two parts of the
     index. (#1059; #1047 reported by Denis Loginov)

 * samtools flagstat:

   - Samtools flagstat can now optionally write its output in JSON
     format or as a tab-separated values file. (#1106, thanks to
     Vivek Rai).

 * samtools markdup:

   - It can optionally tag optical duplicates (reads following
     Illumina naming conventions only).  The is enabled with the
     '-d' option, which sets the distance for duplicates to be
     considered as optical. (#1091; #1103; #1121; #1128; #1134)

   - The report stats (-s) option now outputs counts for optical and
     non-primary (supplementary / secondary) duplicates.  It also
     reports the Picard "estimate library size" statistic.  A new
     '-f' option can be used to save the statistics in a given file.

   - The rules for calling duplicates can be changed using the new
     --mode option.  This mainly changes the position associated with
     each read in a pair.  '--mode t' (the default) is the existing
     behaviour where the position used is that of the outermost
     template base associated with the read. Alternatively '--mode s'
     always uses the first unclipped sequence base.  In practice,
     this only makes a difference for read pairs where the two reads
     are aligned in the same direction. (#1091)

   - A new '-c' option can be used to clear any existing duplicate
     tags. (#1091)

   - A new '--include-fails' option makes markdup include QC-failed
     reads. (#1091)

   - Fixed buffer overflow in temporary file writer when writing a
     mixture of long and short alignment records. (#911; #909)

 * samtools mpileup:

   - mpileup can now process alignments including CIGAR P (pad)
     operators correctly.  They will now also produce the correct
     output for alignments where insertions are immediately followed
     by deletions, or deletions by insertions.  Note that due to
     limitations in HTSlib, they are still unable to output sequences
     that have been inserted before the first aligned base of a read.
     (#847; #842 reported by Tiffany Delhomme. See also htslib issue
     #59 and pull request #699).

   - In samtools mpileup, a deletion or pad on the reverse strand is
     now marked with a different character ('#') than the one used on
     a forward strand ('*'), if the '--reverse-del' option is used.

   - New option '--output-extra' can be used to add columns for user
     selected alignment fields or aux tags. (#1073)

   - Fixed double-counting of overlapping bases in alignment records
     with deletions or reference skips longer than twice the insert
     size. (#989; #987 reported by @dariomel)

   - Improved manual page with documentation about what each output
     column means. (#1055, thanks to John Marshall)

 * samtools quickcheck:

   - Add unmapped (-u) option, which disables the check for @SQ lines
     in the header. (#920, thanks to Shane McCarthy)

 * samtools reheader:

   - A new option '-c' allows the input header to be passed to a
     given command.  Samtools then takes the output of this command
     and uses it as the replacement header. (#1007)

   - Make it clear in help message that reheader --in-place only
     works on CRAM files. (#921, thanks to Julian Gehring)

   - Refuse to in-place reheader BAM files, instead of unexpectedly
     writing a BAM file to stdout. (#935)

 * samtools split:

   - In samtools split, the '-u' option no longer accepts an extra
     file name from which a replacement header was read.  The two
     file names were separated using a colon, which caused problems
     on Windows and prevented the use of URLs.  A new '-h' option has
     been added to allow the replacement header file to be specified
     in its own option. (#961)

   - Fixed bug where samtools split would crash if it read a SAM
     header that contained an @RG line with no ID tag. (#954,
     reported by @blue-bird1)

 * samtools stats:

   - stats will now compute base compositions for BC, CR, OX and RX
     tags, and quality histograms for QT, CY, BZ and QX tags. (#904)

   - New stats FTC and LTC showing total number of nucleotides for
     first and last fragments. (#946)

   - The rules for classifying reads as "first" or "last" fragment
     have been tightened up. (#949)

   - Fixed bug where stats could over-estimate coverage when using
     the target-regions option or when a region was specified on the
     command-line. (#1027; #1025, reported by Miguel Machado; #1029,
     reported by Jody Phelan).

   - Fixed error in stats GCD percentile depth calculation when the
     depth to be reported fell between two bins.  It would report the
     depth entirely from the lower bin instead of taking a weighted
     average of the two. (#1048)

   - Better catching and reporting of out of memory conditions.
     (#984; #982, reported by Jukka Matilainen)

   - Improved manual page. (#927)

 * samtools tview:

   - tview can now display alignments including CIGAR P operators, D
     followed by I and I followed by D correctly.  See mpileup above
     for more information. (#847; #734, reported by Ryan Lorig-Roach)

   - The "go to position" text entry box has been made wider. (#968,
     thanks to John Marshall)

   - Fixed samtools tview -s option which was not filtering reads
     correctly. It now only shows reads from the requested sample or
     read group. (#1089)

 * samtools view:

   - New options '-d' and '-D' to only output alignments which
     have a tag with a given type and value. (#1001, thanks to
     Gert Hulselmans)

 * misc/plot-bamstats script:

   - Fixed merge (-m) option. (#923, #924 both thanks to Marcus D

   - Made the quality heatmap work with gnuplot version 5.2.7 and
     later. (#1068; #1065 reported by Martin Mokrejš)

   - Fixed --do-ref-stats bug where fasta header lines would be
     counted as part of the sequence when the --targets option was
     used. (#1120, thanks to Neil Goodgame)

 * Removed the misc/ Python script, as it takes
   consensus-pileup as input, which was removed from samtools in
   release 0.1.17 in 2011. (#1125)