samtools release 1.12: * The legacy samtools API (libbam.a, bam.h, sam.h, etc) has not been actively maintained since 2015. It is deprecated and will be removed entirely in a future SAMtools release. We recommend coding against the HTSlib API directly. * I/O errors and record parsing errors during the reading of SAM/BAM/CRAM files are now always detected. Thanks to John Marshall (#1379; fixed #101) * New make targets have been added: check-all, test-all, distclean-all, mostlyclean-all, testclean-all, which allow SAMtools installations to call corresponding Makefile targets from embedded HTSlib installations. * samtools --version now displays a summary of the compilation details and available features, including flags, used libraries and enabled plugins from HTSlib. As an alias, `samtools version` can also be used. (#1371) * samtools stats now displays the number of supplementary reads in the SN section. Also, supplementary reads are no longer considered when splitting read pairs by orientation (inward, outward, other). (#1363) * samtools stats now counts only the filtered alignments that overlap target regions, if any are specified. (#1363) * samtools view now accepts option -N, which takes a file containing read names of interest. This allows the output of only the reads with names contained in the given file. Thanks to Daniel Cameron. (#1324) * samtools view -d option now works without a tag associated value, which allows it to output all the reads with the given tag. (#1339; fixed #1317) * samtools view -d and -D options now accept integer and single character values associated with tags, not just strings. Thanks to `@dariome` and Keiran Raine for the suggestions. (#1357, #1392) * samtools view now works with the filtering expressions introduced by HTSlib. The filtering expression is passed to the program using the specific option -e or the global long option --input-fmt-option. E.g. samtools view -e 'qname =~ "#49$" && mrefid != refid && refid != -1 && mrefid != -1' align.bam looks for records with query-name ending in `#49` that have their mate aligned in a different chromosome. More details can be found in the FILTER EXPRESSIONS section of the main man page. (#1346) * samtools markdup now benefits from an increase in performance in the situation when a single read has tens or hundreds of thousands of duplicates. Thanks to `@denriquez` for reporting the issue. (#1345; fixed #1325) * The documentation for samtools ampliconstats has been added to the samtools man page. (#1351) * A new FASTA/FASTQ sanitizer script (``) was added, which corrects the invalid characters in the reference names. (#1314) Thanks to John Marshall for the installation fix. (#1353) * The CI scripts have been updated to recurse the HTSlib submodules when cloning HTSlib, to accommodate for the CRAM codecs, which now reside in the htscodecs submodule. (#1359) * The CI integrations now include Cirrus-CI rather than Travis. (#1335; #1365) * Updated the Windows image used by Appveyor to 'Visual Studio 2019'. (#1333; fixed #1332) * Fixed a bug in samtools cat, which prevented the command from running in multi-threaded mode. Thanks to Alex Leonard for reporting the issue. (#1337; fixed #1336) * A couple of invalid CIGAR strings have been corrected in the test data. (#1343) * The documentation for `samtools depth -s` has been improved. Thanks to `@wulj2`. (#1355) * Fixed a `samtools merge` segmentation fault when it failed to merge header `@PG` records. Thanks to John Marshall. (#1394; reported by Kemin Zhou in #1393) * Ampliconclip and ampliconstats now guard against the BED file containing more than one reference (chromosome) and fail when found. Adding proper support for multiple references will appear later. (#1398)