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- 10月 22, 2018
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
Shorten the tag used for haplotype jobs from 'haplotype' to 'hap'. Because it screwed up formatting in the resource table, grrr!
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
Add merylOperation::finalize() to clean up what we can - like the input buffers - when we're done with the operation.
- 10月 21, 2018
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
- 10月 19, 2018
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
- 10月 18, 2018
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
Fix error in computing thresholds at small frequencies; remove dead code from unused high-end threshold.
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
Accept a haplotype noise threshold directly on the command line, or compute it from the reads histogram.
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
- 10月 17, 2018
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
Make smaller overlapper jobs to prevent more than one hash table build per job: increase overlapper hash load limit from 75% to 80%; decrease base partitioning limit scale from 1.333 to 1.25.
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
Save the splitHaplotype log and use it to decide if the unassigned reads should assembled, or even if the assemblies should be started at all.
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
- 10月 16, 2018
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
Update overlapInCore threshold parameters to adjust for meryl's automagic filtering of unique kmers.
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
Fix stopAfter for meryl; add meryl-configure, meryl-count, and meryl-process to the existing meryl stopping point.
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
- 10月 11, 2018
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
Do not return from nextMer() if the kmer has a zero count; move on to the next mer (unless it too has a zero count, in which case we'll move on to the next mer (unless ....)).
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Sergey Koren 创作于
if not present, report version as snapshot (issue #1111 ).
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
- 10月 05, 2018
由 Brian P. Walenz 创作于
Make haplotyping (mostly) work in cloud mode. It still requires input files to be on a network disk.